It was 7 years ago this month that I started saving info & docs about Win10. In the years since I've gotten So Used to some of the menus & such, that it seems the mouse cursor just goes where it's supposed to, without any conscious thought on my part. Problem is, as I'm sure you'll notice [if you're not already aware of it], the right-click Context Menu in Win11 has DRASTICALLY changed. The mouse cursor still goes where it *knows* it's supposed to, only there's nothing there! I Know about the change -- I Know where I need to click -- and it seems I'm powerless to control it.
Well, Microsoft may have changed things around, but the old code that makes the old context menus work is still there, and all it takes is a simple registry edit to bring it back. Sordum has made it even easier with a free, tiny [834KB] app, that makes those changes in the registry for you. Their page explains it all, in case you want to do things the hard way.