Robert Rosenthal commented:
It tries to load unwanted other things that aren't even up to date with current OS & Browser, and it does so in a way that doesn't make it obvious to the common user that those are unnecessary...
I took a look...
Monitored in a Win7 32-bit VM, as common with Falco put 4 added shortcuts on desktop, and added 8 shortcut & icon [.ico] files to C:\ Program Files [would be Program Files (x86) in 64-bit Windows]. At the end of installation it drove Bitdefender nuts -- it repeatedly blocked the web site & download of what it classified as a PUA [Potentially Unwanted App]. The game seemed to run OK regardless, though that part's hard to tell in a VM, as most of these games will Not run well, if at all. The game's files themselves seem standard Unity. Running Sysinternals Process Explorer with the game running didn't show the game running or calling anything unusual. When the installation routine attempted to open the blocked web site, it invoked an automatic add-on to the Microsoft Edge browser, which is intended to redirect that sort of thing from ie11 to Edge.