Please note: No Steam (or other external keys) will be given for bundle purchases. Only direct downloads will be available on the itch.io3 page.
Yes, there is a lot of junk but here are some decent titles and it’s for a good cause. It’s worth more than 10.00 for all the games I listed below…
Oxenfree, Overland, Art Sqool, Wide Ocean Big Jacket, Hexagon, A Short Hike, A Mortician’s Tale, Quadrilateral Cowboy, Gunhouse, The King’s Bird, Minit, A Night in the Woods and Fortune-499.
When you buy, you get a link and it lists all the games… It does NOT auto add the games to your library.
“Note: Projects in this bundle are hidden in your library by default untill you first access them in order to avoid flooding your library. You can return to this page at any time to access any projects you wish to show in your library.”