With at least a couple of people getting newly introduced to win10, thought that maybe this article could be helpful.
There are aspects of win10 that are confusing, perhaps none more so than the multiple ways you can help control its use of storage space. On my tablets I've relocated a lot of folders &/or libraries to the SD card, & use the Compact OS feature. Since I do disk/partition image backups, I use Disk Cleanup after every update, followed by the Command Line version: dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup , followed by cleaning out the 2 temp folders [one for the user account, & one in Windows], clear the caches using Control Panel -> Internet Options, and finally clear any restore points etc. using Control Panel -> System. Then I'll boot into my base copy of win10, which I use instead of a bootable USB stick, delete the swapfile.sys & pagefile.sys files, and back up that Windows partition or disk. In terms of the size of the backup archive, I usually gain 1 to 2 GB running Cleanup, up to a GB running the CLI version, and deleting those 2 files + the restore points gets me somewhere between 500 MB & 1 GB.