Hi All,
For about the last 18 hours I've been getting the above message when accessing https://www.giveawayoftheday.com Can someone please advise.
503 Service Unavailable
(19 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 6 years ago #
Hi All,
Its now been 4 days and I'm still getting the same message error "503 Server Unavailable". I get the same message on 4 other devices of mine. Can someone tell me if they are having the same problem.
Cheers!Posted 6 years ago # -
I haven't had any problems reaching the site. It may be a glitch in your browser. You might try clearing the cache/cookies (or restarting the computer if you routinely use the sleep option).
Posted 6 years ago # -
Hi Chris,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've tried on all 5 of my devices and I get the same error. I even tried on my old iPod!. The only other thing I can think of is that its my DNS server, but my ISP is by far the biggest and best ISP in the country so their DNS server is unlikely to be the problem. I'm able to access the game.giverawayoftheday but not any of the main language websites. Therefore you wouldn't happen to know the email address of the Webmaster for GOTD as I am also unable to use their "Contact us" link for obvious reasons! I'm sure they would want to know of any problems which may be originating from their end.
PeterPosted 6 years ago # -
Hi Chris,
I should have mentioned I've already taken a number of steps including the ones you suggested. I even flushed out my computer DNS, cache, history and cookies as well as virus programs. I'm not having any troubles with any other website of computer problems in general. In any case I believe the error message I've received emanates from the websites server.Posted 6 years ago # -
The email address is giveaway@giveawayoftheday.com
If you haven't already, you might try resetting your browser to the default settings. You could have a problem with one of your extensions/add-ins or the browser may think you're in a different location than you are.
You might also check your security software to ensure it's not blocking access for some reason. Which, given the multiple devices involved, is probably the one I'd try first.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Hi Chris,
My devices are all running completely different operating systems with different virus programs so I can't see how this would be the problem. I'll email the webmaster at GOTD and see what they have to say. From what I've read, the error code seems to be a fault with the server rather than the client side. Also given that I'm not having any problems with any other web sites leads me to e
believe the GOTD's server is the likely suspect.
Thanks for your help.
PeterPosted 6 years ago # -
Is this all through your wifi? If so, you may be better off contacting your ISP to see if they are having an issue delivering the website. Have you tried turning off wifi on your phone (and/or tablet) and seeing if the site loads properly when connecting over your mobile network?
Posted 6 years ago # -
Same here, and for about two weeks now. It says "service" (vs server, as reported by the fellow above) unavailable. It's on all my devices, including the phone which has its own operating system and internet connection. I even tried it from the computer at the public library and at someone else's home..."503 Service Unavailable." The instructions to clear cache and cookies and/or refresh the browsers achieved nothing. Why is someone (me) going to all this trouble over something so trivial? Duno, perhaps OCD.
Posted 6 years ago # -
If the connection to the internet is good -- which it has to be to post here ;) -- then try switching DNS in Windows &/or in your router settings, &/or using a VPN to sign on from another location -- Opera has a built-in VPN already, though there aren't all that many nodes, but enough to suffice in this case probably.
If you can't reach a site, either the site's down, or something's preventing the connection, e.g. it could be intentionally blocked, or the DNS server you're using has missing or incorrect data on that URL. Just posted a link to an article at Windows Central -- problems with the Comcast & BT DNS servers reaching Windows Update. Windows Update is pretty major as far as resources go, and while I'm not familiar with BT, Comcast is Huge, so it's not something that large ISPs are immune from.
"I even tried it from the computer at the public library and at someone else's home..."503 Service Unavailable.""
Where I'm at broadband is pretty much monopolized by Spectrum. I could go to the library, relative's house etc., & still be using the same ISP, which defaults to using Spectrum's DNS server. About a year ago started having flaky connections, switched DNS on our devices & router, & haven't looked back.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Thank you Mr. Mikiem, you solved the mystery. Using a VPN per your advice worked. Apparently, it is service in this geographical area, as you surmised, that is causing the program. So with VPN have at least bypassed it. Rgds.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Hi Frank,
You wouldn't happen to live in Australia and your ISP is Telstra/BigPond?. BTW, I didn't want to use a VPN service because that's just a work-around solution. The 503 error emanates from GOTD server so its not from what I've gathered a problem with the client (ie the ISP or our computer). I've also use GOTD's IP address and still get the same error so its not my DNS server. The ISP I use is the number 1 ISP in Australia if that means anything. I'll give it a few more days then email GOTD web master.
PeterPosted 6 years ago # -
" I've also use GOTD's IP address and still get the same error so its not my DNS server. "
Maybe -- maybe not [see below].
"The ISP I use is the number 1 ISP in Australia if that means anything."
I mentioned a verified problem with Comcast's DNS server yesterday -- Comcast is the largest home ISP in the US.
FWIW, the way it works [oversimplified, & not necessarily for you, Peter] is that every site has an IP address, plus one or more names that point to that address. When you enter a site name in the address bar of your browser & press enter, you're connected with a DNS server that finds the IP address, & forwards your connection to that address, which may be the server hosting the site, or another DNS server routing traffic to that organization's network.
That said, why not just use the IP address directly & skip DNS lookup? The simple answer is because it won't always work. Site hosting today is often more complicated than a server just providing a single static web page at a given IP address. If you don't use the site's name, it's not uncommon for the hosting architecture to be confused, not knowing what you're actually looking for, resulting in complete or partial failure of your request. Actually loading a site might also involve additional trips to the DNS server, while the browser itself may perform a search or two rather than just blindly taking you to that IP address.
So, while typing in the IP address might or might not be a valid test, changing the default DNS server is a recognized, valid step for troubleshooting, and it's really pretty painless too. In most cases Windows will be set up to use whatever the router says to use, so go to the network adapter properties, selecting Internet Protocol Version 4, clicking the properties button, clicking the radio button for Use the following DNS server addresses, filling in the 2 blanks, then hitting OK however many times to get out of the properties window. To put things back the way they were, just click the radio button in the ipv4 properties to get the DNS from your router. It should take less time than reading this. ;)
These links might be useful:
Posted 6 years ago # -
Thanks for your lengthy input. I've temporarily solved the problem by using a free extension on Chrome called uVPN. It only occurred to me after reading your post that Australia is in the process of rolling out a nation wide high speed cable network and are in the midst of connecting my area so this could well be the culprit. Even though I've been on cable for years I believe everyone will be "transferred" to the new system and cables. I'll give it a month to see if the fault corrects itself, if not, I'll then contact my ISP.
Thanks for your help and insight.
Peter.Posted 6 years ago # -
Hi All,
Just receive this message:db109 wrote:
It's because your IP and/or your IP Range has been blocked (Banned) by the Site Administration :( A good VPN Client/Service will defeat it
Not sure if this person is surmising or knows for a fact. Anyway, I thought I'd let you all know in case anyone else has any problems.
Posted 6 years ago # -
I too have the same 503 Service unavailable.
Yet if i do a search for GAOTD games, Click on the GAOTD links it loads those pages no problem. Obviously its a problem of theirs, not the end-user.
I've done everything else, restart router, flushed cache, Ctrl/F5 the browser. Its the same issue on ALL the browsers i use. Turning off firewall, A/V. No luck.Posted 6 years ago # -
Happened to me briefly on my computer, but all is well now. It didn't happen on my phone, even connected to same network so I suspect Heimdal. Last few days I've gotten random "not secure" screens for various sites that eventually let me pass after refreshing a few times. Seems better now, but I'll see over the next few days.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Its the server that is blocking IP addresses. They are obviously having intrusion problems. The games section is a different server. If you are using Chrome try using the extension "uVPN". I turn the extension on just to visit GAOTD. I have to tick a box to say I'm not a robot but least I'm now accessing the site.Posted 5 years ago # -
Hi Guys, just to add to this topic, a couple of years ago I had the same problem playing a particular MMO, Blade & Soul. When I first started playing I had no problem, but then I kept getting login failure, server addresses blocked. Afer some digging on net about this I found out that my IP address was blocked by at least 3 agencies or whatever they are called due to spamming and hacking. I then connected via a VPN but couldn't leave it like that. I managed to confirm this with my ISP and they found that a whole block of Ip's on their server were affected. After trying, under their instructions to change my IP without success, they gave me a new personal IP address which has be fine ever since.
Posted 5 years ago #
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