Zoho services have been given away a few times. While Zoho itself has done nothing wrong, criminals like free stuff too. Because they like & use Zoho so much, you might find your access restricted, as when their domain in India was taken down because of the illegal activity. Just something maybe to bear in mind if you depend on their services.
Steganos Safe 19 is on GOTD today... Whenever an encryption app is offered there are invariably calls to just use open source alternatives. One small problem though -- because open source code is now used in so much software, paid & free, it's a huge target for cybercriminals. They reap rewards from people using the open source code as-is, and when it's included in another app.
"Sonatype found open source vulnerabilities increased 120 percent year over year. The mean time for hackers to exploit those vulnerabilities has been compressed, going from an average of 45 days to just three. “Suspected or known open source breaches increased 55 percent year over year,”"
Atlantis Word Processor has been given away in the past... Cisco Talos has found several vulnerabilities in the software, & released a patch.