I'm going to be absent for a while, that is from moderating these forums and the game giveaway site as well as posting reviews. My wife was rushed to hospital Monday morning then transferred to our Neuro specialist hospital following a brain hemorrhage.
I don't know how serious it is yet; the doctors are still putting her through tests and scans. They initially said it was an aneurysm, then earlier today was told it wasn't, but it may still be?. I've spent most of the last 3 days at the hospital since it happened but until they have completed all the tests, they won't say much.
She was tidying away a 100Kg gas canister (for the coming winter), which was used for our barbeque. She fell heavily from the patio onto the lawn after she stepped into a hole that a badger had dug earlier this year and which we'd not got around to filling. It caused a slow bleed which must have continued all day and throughout the night when the symptoms became acute. At first, she thought it was just the stress of preparing for our daughters 17th birthday party that day, so went to bed really early after feeling a little odd. It wasn't until she tried to get out of bed the following morning that the pain in her head became really bad and tracked back to her neck; then she became really nauseous and clammy. I've previously worked in Intensive Care *13 years ago) and had an inkling of what was wrong from the symptoms she presented and described, so immediately phoned an ambulance who rushed her to the nearest A&E department, who then after a scan transferred her to the neuro specialist hospital, thankfully only half an hour away in a blue light ambulance.
I don't think it's really serious because she hasn't had any loss of speech or any muscle weakness, but if she tries to move she gets searing pains in her head and neck and wants to be sick. At the moment she's been told to lay flat and to move as little as possible. I'll be going back after I've grabbed some sleep. I won't post any more details except to let you know the outcome when I know it.
I would appreciate it very much If someone could just make a brief note in the game giveaway comments each week until I return explaining why I'm absent. I don't want the community to think I've deserting them. Thank you.
Unfortunately, I'm not in any frame of mind at this time to do any gaming, writing reviews etc but will return as normal when I can.
Whiterabbit aka Stephen