I already have Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON, and Multiwinia, but if you don't, this is an awesome deal. $10.39CA for 5 awesome games. I may just get it to get the game..and gift the other games.
Pre-order Scanner Sombre now and receive Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON, and Multiwinia for Free! you already own any of these bonus games on GOG.com, please contact our support team at scannersombresupport@gog.com to request a giftable game code. Offer lasts until 15:59 CEST - 03rd May 2017.
Inspired by Gone Home, Dear Esther and Proteus Scanner Somber is a cave exploration experience. With stunning visuals and a terrifying theme, it is the 6th major video game released by Introversion Software - creators of the million selling, BAFTA award winning Prison Architect as well as Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON and Multiwinia.
ROFL..Guess I need to post the link...