Hey guys :) My Win7 computer finally took a dive after 5 years of service - in computer years, the damn thing was older than I am, lol.You can imagine how many GOTD programs were on it. I'd like to look for some of them online, except for one little problem - my memory retention is like non-existent...I can't remember the names of the ones I really would like. There used to be a listing but the site has changed so much over the years, maybe I just can't see it? I was working my way back page by page, but that's so tedious, especially when FF crashed and I lost my progress...
One that was fairly recent was a program that monitored your disks, especially the temperature...it would tell you how many days before your hard drive failed and was in a really ugly 90's style UI. Another one that I really want was a photo filter - no, not FilterForge - it was a pro version where you could actually paint on your photo and download all kinds of user made presets, many for free, but some were for sale. I can see the layout and everything in my head - just can't remember the name *headdesk*...I hate getting old.
Any help?