Fanzis sometimes gives away some of the apps, but they're often older &/or feature limited, & those Franzis apps I've tried [free & paid] most always carry a little installation baggage with them. Here's what I do to stay away from some of that crap...
Step one, when you run the downloaded setup app you get a dialog to get the key from their web site. I do that, enter the key, then when the setup dialog asks for your language choice, I grab the real setup file from the user temp folder [c:\ Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Local\ Temp\] -- today's is titled "BLACK WHITE projects 4 elements DE_EN_FR Setup.exe".
Step 2, I use Universal Extractor on that setup file. That gives me a folder -- today's is called: {code_GetAppPath_Const} -- with the actual program files. There's also a plain text file named "install_script.iss", with the directions the setup routine follows. Many of the program's files are available as 32 & 64 bit versions -- today the 64 bit files have .1 tacked onto their name, while .2 is added to the names of 32 bit files. I ran this setup in a VM to figure that out, or you can find that data in that .iss file. I wanted the 64 bit version -- the only reason for 32 bit is plugin compatibility, which is irrelevant today -- so I removed the .1 from the 64 bit files, deleting the files with .2 in their name.
Step 3, I renamed "{code_GetAppPath_Const}" to "BLACK WHITE projects 4 elements", moved the folder where I wanted it, then ran "BLACK WHITE projects 4 elements.exe" as admin, activating it with the key when asked. This automatically creates the C:\ Users\ [UserName]\ BlackWhite Projects 4 elements\ folder & files, plus the C:\ Users\ [UserName]\ Projects Series\ BlackWhite Projects 4 elements.ini file. DONE.
Doing it this way I avoided a couple of outdated Microsoft C/C++ runtimes, plus their many associated registry entries & a setup file. I can't say for sure how many new registry entries I avoided, because I didn't take the time to sort through the near 300k new entries added to see which ones were likely temporary.