I post here since I can no longer post in the comments section.
For years you have warned us about downloading games from MPC. Now you are getting games from them; games which contain the very things you warned us about all these years.
"Instead, why not tell me what you think about the game and how it could be improved instead of complaining about the methods the giveaway team are using to get more games..."
But these topics are interrelated. If I decide not to download a game because of the required procedures or because the download version will hijack my browser, shouldn't the developer/distributor be as interested in that as in comments on the game itself? (When you buy a house you consider things such as proximity of schools or shopping, things which have no bearing on the quality of the house, but will certainly have bearing on your decision to purchase it.)
Today's game sounds interesting, but it's too irritating to remember to terminate by killing the process in task manager rather than exiting "normally", lest I sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting for Firefox to load just so I can close it before continuing work.
I appreciate all the work this site has done to bring us games over the years, but you are transforming into the sites you claimed to be superior to in the past.