Finally decided to try and find out what if there was any problem with the portableapps installer/launcher/menu as was insinuated here. Did 2 yahoo searches: "Problem with portableapps installer" "Problems with portableapps". The only thing I found were problems in getting particular apps to install with the installer. Many of those posts were on portableapps own forum. Theoretically, portableapps can run any open source portable. On the other hand, it apparently won't work with any commericial portable that they don't have an agreement with. Seems it recognizes trademarks.
The only other thing I found on that were pages recommending PortableApps. Maybe because I didn't Google. :)
It was hardly a total loss, though. Found a bunch more interesting links. Obviously, there'll be some duplication.
A pdf with 20 apps reviewed from, which calls itself the "Independent Voice of the Microsoft IT Community":
2 from DOWNLOADSQUAD, 24 recommended apps and 11 apps recommended for bloggers:
Both of these contain comment sections with even more suggestions.
File Cluster has a review blog for portable apps, though it mainly focuses on iPhone and mobile apps.:
This review compares the U3 launcher with PortableApps:
10 portable repair apps:
17 portable troubleshooting apps:
An educator recommends 7 apps for educators on the go:
Older article on Smart Drives with a number of links, including software, some of which are probably still useful:
U3's site which includes a lot of software that'll work with their launcher:
A 2005 blog entry containing a directory of portable apps:
Wikipedia's generl article on portable apps:
which includes links to it's list of portable games:
and VMWare ThinApp, which allows you to run commercial apps portably in a virtual environment:
2 2005-2006 articles on running XP completely form a portable. The first is designed to strip down XP to run on a 256Meg, but you can ignore a lot of that unless you want it on one that small:,1113-2.html
Moka5, another free solution which allows you to create a virtual PC environment from your USB drive. I assume this is similar to ThinApp's approach. Also in German, and also English Mac OS X. At least the virtual software seems to be free. Moka5 is selling something, but I haven't figured it out:
And for those who hate the Evil Empire:
Pendrivelinux allows you to configure your flash to run a wide variety of Linux flavors:
This is probably how I'll eventually try Linux.
And for those young people that are too cool to be called a PC: has apps for Mac OS X.