Thought you would like it! When I exited the game, I was just sitting back watching the credits role and the beautiful graphics I will probably never get to see...I noticed that the names seem to be Russian, so maybe that's the hangup...I know from working with gala from Realore, it seems those guys don't work on the weekends, lol!
GrochE, thanks, I have tried both...they fully download but will not run...I have to do a reboot, can't kill it with Task Manager...I had a similar problem back in 2007 with RA...I couldn't download from their site period...there where no download buttons...it was stuck on tps=upgrade_...never fully linked to the site...so I gave up and watched the versions change, lol...then one day in 2008...poof, the site worked for me again...must have been the versions changing...I have a V2 R2 test that I run from them that tells me what the current version is, also the installer version...they have changed so much, I stopped writing them down...they should get REAL...roflmao...on their forums you will see my signature as "is it REAL or is it MEMOREX"...not on the forums much anymore as I quit Gamepass in Aug,2006...still do the Evals though...
Games Junkie