With respect to whether we will be getting a game or not; I cannot say as I'm not privy to the owner’s daily work. Though usually I'm given forewarning of what's to come so that I can write my reviews so that they can be posted early. That hasn't happened this week; but saying that sometimes I still don't get notification. The fact that we haven't got a game today would suggest that we are unlikely to get one tomorrow either; but I may be wrong?
Rest assured that I will be posting more games tomorrow; hopefully of a wide variety. Though as mentioned previously, I will be getting back on track and posting only one or two games each day. With the games project now having four members, there’s the potential to get a wide variety of games simply because each of us will see the best in different genres. I personally have tried to post as wide a variety as I could find, but I'm sure my choices are at times biased, so it's great to have so many members posting games. I do enjoy finding and posting games so was loath to relinquish any time to others, but realistically it was better that I did, so from now the work will be divided up between the four of us so that Wizzard and I will post three days every other week each, reverseOrder posts on Fridays and The Webmaster on Mondays. Rather than how its been recently with me posting virtually every day regardless of what the others have posted. Posting that way should stop us all from becoming too stale. I will hopefully be passing on information about many of the games I've found and tested to the others to post (when time permits), simply because with the changes I will have far too many games to post (enough for three years if I'm only posting for three days out of every two weeks, and that's if I don't bother researching any more games, which is part of what I enjoy doing most).
To Abbasgirl, I'm touched by your faith in me being able to solve your computer problems, but Campy is right. It would be a good idea to post your question in the software forum, so that you can reap the benefit of the whole community. Many heads are much better than one. I don't profess to be an expert, though I have nearly always seen to my own computer issues. I'm probably more of an expert on building and hardware issues than software ones, but I have been working with windows since the late 80's, so know a trick or two. (Though as far as Vista goes, I've only had it on my system for 1 month then it was gone.......) That said your quite welcome to PM me with any questions you may have regarding the problems you have. (Though I can't solve the economic crisis or tell you how to live to 200, lol)
and.... to 'my name is' I'll certainly try my best. I tend to be up and down with most things I do nowadays Being stuck in the house gets rather depressing at times and the computer being a constant companion also gets a little wearing at times, especially as I was an outdoors person prior to my accident, so occasionally I'll spout on about how I'm a little jaded. Just ignore that, it's just me letting off steam. I have no other safety valve at the moment.... :)
Here's to a great weekend folks.