Check out my comment from the other week as this game is basically the same, though I didn’t really review the game properly. I only got notified very late last night and wasn’t in the mood to sit for several hours writing a review, suffice it to say that the game tends to get mixed reviews which would lead me to the conclusion that it’s the sort of game that you’ll either love or hate. I though the last one had potential after seeing the screen shots, but sadly I decided to delete it a few days after I downloaded it because I just couldn’t get into it and my children found it boring. It’s definitely not a game for the kids unless they want to train as a hacker, lol. If you don’t mind a game that lacks any graphics and involves lots of typing, then this is a game for you. The music is quite good and is the main reason why the download is so large. I’ve actually copied several of the 9 mp3’s into my music folder as I thought they were quite good.
The game originally had an expansion pack that was called Hacker Evolution: Reinsertion that was sold separately and we were given it as a separate giveaway last year. That is now part of the original game, so if you missed it the first time around but got the original, do download this one as it has been updated to incorporate the expansion (or so the developers home page says)
You can pick up on some references and images by following the link below to my last post which also has links to the previous time this game was given away back in May 2007:
You can see a 2 minute game play movie via the following link:
and an even longer one (10 minutes):
You can download a PDF game manual and a walkthrough for the game from Hacker Evolutions home page:
It’ll be a new year by the time we meet again, so I’d like to take this opportunity to say:
I hope all that celebrate the New Year this coming week have made your New Years resolution? If you want to share it with the community I’ve set up a post in the forums just for fun: