I thought I'd set this one up for a bit of fun. I expect anyone posting to come back in six months to say whether they stuck to it, lol
My new year’s resolution is that I have to start playing the vast number of DVD based games that I've bought since being house bound following my road traffic accident.
I've spent an inordinate amount of money on games, both downloadable arcade games and games on DVD's to the tune of several thousand pounds over the last three years. To be honest I think I've become a bit of a kleptomaniac, because whenever I see a game that remotely interests me I'll buy it immediately; but rarely actually play it, apart from when I first get it; mainly to see what it's like; then it gets shelved or backed up in the case of the downloadable arcade game. Even big name games like Crysis, GTA IV (though it did get me re-installing all the earlier titles of which I have every one, including the now free GTA I and GTA II, and I even played GTA III, which is basically the earlier version of the latest game Liberty City) and Call of Duty (both last years block buster COD4: Modern Combat and the recently released COD: World at War) haven't been played yet despite buying them on pre-order.
I buy all my DVD based games from a UK outlet that can get the games to me in just over a day. Over the last four weeks I've bought over 16 DVD base games alone (helped along with the Christmas spirit, and at least a third of those were for my children), plus several downloadable arcade games, yet only a couple of them have been played. Two arcade games called Hidden World of Art and Strike Ball 3 (neither are actually on general release yet and are only availablee to beta testers) and a DVD based game called Escape from Paradise City, a sort of RPG/Strategy/Management game that reminds me a little of GTA, but from a strategic view point similar to the old isometric viewpoint.
You can see why what appears to be a flippant resolution is in reality a sensible one. :) I'll report back in a couple of months to let you know if I succeeded in my New Years resolution. :)