Darn it I accidentally deleted my post above when all I meant to do was correct a spelling mistake. I don't even have a copy of it either.
I’ll try and rewrite some of what I deleted as I think it is an important point, though my short term memory is appalling, so it will probably come over totally different to what I first wrote..
Personally I think ad’ supported games are annoying to the point that I'll delete them as soon as I've decided whether I'm going to buy the game or not. I'm a firm believer in buying my games if I can afford to; though I appreciate that not everyone can afford to buy any arcade games as they are probably an unnecessary luxury especially in today’s worsening economic climate; (which is probably another reason for their increase ‘I bet’).
Part of the reason I think this way is that I think it important that the developer gets as much money from the sales of his or her games as possible. Many of these small time developers plough most of their profit back into buying better tools to develop better games. Or use the money to live on while they come up with new and interesting ideas. ((You’ll find that most of the games that are sold on the big sites are actually made by small time developers, thought there are a few that do stand out like Divo games and reflexive) I happen to know that the following games were developed by a husband and wife team: Darkside, Arklight, Scavenger, Circulate, Pyracubes, Oddbox, Cubology, System Mania, Grid Lines, Word Juice and a few others, most of which are amazingly original ideas or variations on a theme with original elements. Just take the superbly crafted Darkside a sequel to the brilliant Arklight a breakout space shoot ‘Em up clone that’s fantastic to play… Then there’s another guy who made a series of arkanoids called Ultranium, of which the last two Ultranium 4 and Ultranium 5 were very different to the usual arkanoid (well Ultranium 5 was), and one more another Husband and Wife team that developed a couple of excellent and original breakout clones (yeah I know original and clone don’t sit very well together, but if you downloaded Takarin, you’d see what I menat about original. This breakout is in the form of a maze, but you can only see part of the maze at any one time. (Takamaru and Takarin - (my favorite genre is arkanoid/breakouts, so I’ve written to lots of developers suggesting specific ideas) need I say more…..
If all we end up with is some large conglomerations of game distributors who have bought up the rights to these games and then only use them to sell advertising space, then in my opinion the arcade games industry will soon die a death, mainly through selling boring games. We’re already seeing it in the release of countless clones of hidden objects, Match Three and Time Management games, most of which are so alike it makes me sick. There’s more arcade games being released on virtually a daily basis now, but hardly any of them are original ideas or already tried and tested genres with new ideas added to them, resulting in fewer original games being released (the latest Atlantis and Luxor clones are an exception as are a few of the hidden objects games all of which have added mini games and elaborate story lines includes as well as other additions – e.g. the screensavers in around the world in 80 days and Big Kahuna Reef plus the latest Atlantis game – Call of Atlantis) - I appreciate that many cannot afford the cost of more than a few games, so anything free is welcome; but I truly believe that the add supported game, which seems to be growing in popularity is going to destroy the arcade games industry as we know it.
Oddly I think that the Game Giveaway project may have been partly responsible for this happening. I do not recall any game houses offering free games prior to the inception of the giveaway project. Only Gametop, which I consider a different sort of freeware game, was present when the giveaway project started operating.
Anyway, I’d better stop my rant as I’ve not finished tomorrow’s game review yet. Got to find some You Tube videos, or shoot one myself.
One final thing, I agree with Midori in that there are probably a large number of people who wouldn’t touch these ad’ supported games. I’d also take into consideration what was written the other day about Most Funs ad supported games. I can’t find the post at the moment, but it stated in the EULA that by agreeing to the contract to use the game for free the company would be able to use your bandwidth to redirect advertising elsewhere. Now that I think is scary, and certainly an invasion of privacy. Those on capped limits would soon find themselves blocked from downloading more if they used these games. I’ve not got any of Most Funs games so cannot confirm the validity of the above and I would be very grateful to anyone who has downloaded a Most Fun game if they could confirm what I’ve said, or expand on it. You should find a copy of the EULA, usually in the HTML format within the games folder. Thanks in advance.
Hi Kerikas, I dropped my RealArcade membership over a year ago because of those reasons. I've already re purchased some the games I got throught the membership offers which is annoying (maybe I should give my old log on details away so someone can enjoy the benefits of those games (Chicken Attack, Ricochet, Timebreaker and others). I really don't like games that depend upon a games manager to work, and even find those games that have to be activated online a little annoying. One of my computers isn't connected and I've not been able to connect it for some reason, so several games I do have I cannot play such as Hong Kong Mahjong (the four player version of Mahjong) and a couple of great Garage games (Marble Madness Gold and Chain Reaction) as well as lots of others (e.g. Battlefield 2142, which requires you to log on to a server before you can play) because they require online activation.