I'm having problems setting up the Hard Drive Inspector, and the culprit seems to be the unicows.dll again. Following the suggestions I received from an earlier post (which worked when I was having trouble installing the Joyce Audio Converter), I made sure that there was a copy of unicows.dll in both the c:\windows\system directory and in the program directory for Hard Drive Inspector.
However, when I run the Hard Drive Inspector setup program, I still get the error message "Error opening file for writing: C:\windows\system\unicows.dll.
However, whether I abort the install or click "ignore" to the error message, the actual Hard Drive Inspector program seems to run, but then terminates with the error "Hard Drive Inspector has caused an error in GDI.EXE.
(Oops...I spoke too soon. The program will NOT run again after the GDI.EXE message is displayed. Clicking on its icon brings up the main page, but it fails to execute the inspection.)