Wings of War is perhaps one of the best free games I’ve ever found (not including games like America’s Army an online first person shooter that I used to play a lot a few years ago), and it was thanks to a guy called Red Neck, who posted brief details of it in the game comments section last year when Sky Aces was given away. I followed it up because for a few years I’d been looking for a particular World War I flight simulator that I’d had the pleasure to play when it was released as a demo several years ago.
Anyway, I've decided to repost the game as part of the free game of the week project simply because it has become buried in the games discussion forums. I didn’t actually mention the name of the game when posting about it; writing instead "An alternative to Sky Aces". It deserved much more in my opinion. Without any more waffling, here's the download link.
Download Link:
You have to download all six files (that are found at the bottom of the download page, together with all the patches, then unpack the six game files using winrar to another file. (if you haven’t got winrar, a link has been provided on the download page to get a copy) Once they have been unpacked, replace the WoW executable with a no CD patch, then install the game to wherever you wish it to go on your computer.
The six files required are 125Mb each apart from the sixth which is 79Mb, so those on dial up will take some time to get all the files together, but I can assure you it is well worth the effort for this fantastic and easy to play flight simulator. The patches are small by comparison. There's a v1.2 patch, and two no CD patches one for the original v1.0 version and one for if you patch it to v1.2. It seems that some WoW community members still play the v1.0 version online, so if you update it to v1.2 you won’t be able to play those. There is both a single player instant action as well as a single player campaign to work through and it seems there’s a dedicated bunch of people who regularly play it online (which is where this game has come from.
If you decide to download it and have any problems installing it please just post your problems here and I’ll try and talk you through the installation again.
Good hunting (in the sky that is)
Video footage of Gameplay:
Gamespot review:
Installation Instuctions:
1) Create a folder on your desktop called Wings of War
2) Using winrar, unzip the files to the folder you’ve just created in the sequence 1 to 6. allow all files to be overwritten.
3) Once you’ve unzipped all six files to the folder replace the executable file labeled WoW, that looks like a set of wings with the No CD patch v1.0. (that looks exactly the same as the executable you’re swapping) You can back up the original if you wish, but I see no reason to)
4) Click on the set up file, which then allows you to select where you want the installation to be installed. Once this is done you’re good to go.
You’ll find a shortcut in the Start menu programs folder called Gathering which contains the game shortcut, online shortcut and a set up shortcut, though no uninstaller.
Games Manual:
Unfortunately I've had to delete this as the manual was actually for another game with the same name. Sorry for any inconveneience to those who downloaded it and thanks to Scubaguy for pointing it out.