Call of Duty:World at War arrived this morning. So I broke away from my ‘fave’ game of the moment Fallout 3, which has been played to death since getting it last week to see what Activision (the developer) had to offer and to see whether they had surpassed their previous offering from last year.
Well, I played the first level and well into the second, taking several screen captures along the way. (see link below for the whole lot) So far I’m still playing at night time so can’t get a true feel for the graphics as game play visuals are always muted at night, however they look promising. The return to the Second World War was a surprise as I thought it had been done to death, with many different developers releasing FPS games based upon the Second World War. Something like the Korean conflict or even the First World War would have been a much better option in my opinion. Still, they have captured the feel of things quite well. I’ve not enjoyed playing a WWII shooter since Men of Honor: Pacific Assault, which this reminded me of a little. (I didn’t particularly like the last MoH title Airborne, and still have to complete that one).
Anyway, here’s the link to my images:
All on one page
As a slideshow
Graphically it's as good as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (COD4), but I think returning to WWII was a retrograde step. There are far too many WWII games around and are still being released (eg the Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway and Sniper: Art of Victory are two recent additions as well as other genres such as the excellent strategy game, Company of Heroes)
I think it's too soon to say whether this is better - though my first impressions are that it is not. COD4, despite being linear, at least had a large area to explore at any point whereas this game seems to have returned to the true linearity we saw in the first Call of Duty games. Let’s hope the later levels prove me wrong; though I won’t be playing them for awhile as I think last weeks release of Fallout 3 is interesting me much more at this time.
Hopefully there will be a demo in the next few days; though be prepared to download over a gigabyte to get it.
If you're a FPS fan it's going to be a must have though. :)