Revo Uninstaller Pro has recently updated to version 3.1.4. I have 2 licenses for it. One is for my Windows 7 desktop and the other is for my Windows 8.1 laptop. The product works in both cases but I'm getting vastly different load situations on the 2 installs.
I have long noted that the first time you load this product during any boot cycle, it can be very slow to load -- sometimes up to several minutes. Up until this latest upgrade, that was the case and it was similar times on both machines even though the laptop is a slower processor.
However, since the update, my Windows 7 install loads that initial time within abut 20 seconds after the splash screen displays. That's almost as fast as any later load during any given boot cycle.
With the laptop running Windows 8.1, that initial load is about 9 minutes! No software should take that long. It's got about 200 fewer uninstalls to load up. Once it finally loads, it works fine. Subsequent loads (after normal termination of the software) are like before, just a few seconds. Only the initial load has changed and it has only been since this latest update.
Does anybody else have it running (it is a July 2015 update) and can compare these initial load numbers?
The update notes said something about bug fixes, language support and better support under Windows 10. I'm not running windows 10! Is this just another way to try to force an update? I sure hope not. I don't like the idea of Microsoft having that much power over 3rd party developers!