Dealnews - Game Devs Caught Raising Prices Before Steam Sale
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 9 years ago #
Interesting, and typical. With respect to GTA V. I really don't know why community members are complaining. That we should get such a discount only weeks after the release on a premium AAA title is just crazy. No one seems to complain about the fact that most of the Call of Duty games retain their high prices for years after release.
That cash card that they mention was a free dlc only if you pre ordered the game, so in effect people buying in the sale are basically getting the pre release deal. I presonally think that's a decent deal.
As for the other games mentioned, those price rises before the sale should be recinded. It's bascally taking the ****** and IMO really underhand. In fact, I think Valve should remove them from Steam, at least for a while as punishment. :)
Posted 9 years ago #
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