weird, I wrote a fairly long post here, clicked to send it, and got the error message 'slowdown you move too fast". When I backspaced, all the post I had written was gone and I have to start all over! This frustrates me and I almost decided it wasn't worth the bother to have to rewrite everything. Why can't the site remember the post you were working on when you have to backspace? Most sites don't make you start all over in writing a post if you have to backspace for some reason!
This site should have a "remember me" automatic login option like most forums do. I often don't participate on the forum simply because of the time and trouble it takes to wade through hundreds of documents to find registration and login info for this forum. I am registered in many forums and sites and there's no way I can remember info for hundreds of various sites.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who wants to be able to have the site remember them.
Please, let this site have the option of automatic login like other sites do.
I had written more in my original post, but after losing everything when I had to backspace (and because the site cannot remember the post I was working on and made me start over), I am too frustrated to post the rest of what I had written (and some of it I forgot). Most sites don't make you start a post over if you have to backspace, and how I could have gotten "slow down, you move too fast" after I'd spent at least 10 minutes composing my first post, is a mystery to me. If 10 minutes is too fast, what is slow enough?