Not quite, though it is a puzzle game. I didn't realize lemmings was free, but if it is I'll definitely be including it sometime. As for elite; I loved that game when it first came out. Looking back on it now when comparing it with some of the space management games, I actually got more satisfaction out of docking with the space station and roaming around in virtually black space back then in the late 80’s, that when I'm playing some of the more recent games of that type, (for example Spaceforce: Rogue Universe which has amazing graphics and so much more). That will certainly be a possible candidate for the future. I'll have to search for both of them. I actually bought a second hand copy of Lemmings Revolution a couple of years ago (released in 2004). You’ve also given me an idea for more search’s, thank you.
Week 1 - Free games for the weekday - Marble Arena
(33 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
many thanks Stephen, if you do find anything along the way :). (sorry for the late response... just didn't get notification of a reply to this thread for some reason, as I normally do from these forums.)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Wow, I can't beleive it's been 5 months since I started this project. I can only say thank you for putting up with my rambling posts and also a very big thankyou to Wizzard of Oz and Reverse order for their continued support and to The Webmaster for helping out over the Christmas and New Years period.
I thought I'd bring this one back to the front page to complement the free game Wizzard posted for today, which was a marble game. (I've also changed the name to come into line with the rest of the postings - though I've still to decide which name to change the project to. I'll be keeping the prefix as that will help find posts, but the free games for the weekdays is a little boring, or uninspiring, lol)
Posted 16 years ago #
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