Bonjour AppDev
Welcome to the Forum :*)
No, what u said is not a "rant" at all !!!
It's just common sense & totally obvious for any sensible person.
We are just so fed up of the complaining we hardly answer back anymore!
I still haven't seen the "Contract" where GOTD is obligated to provide us w the SW or Games we want.
They offer what is provided, what they find available. Darn, it's not that hard to understand!!
You'll notice none of the "Old Timers" of the site ever complain. Even though we already have most of the SW offered recently, from past offerings.
Still, we keep coming back every day and if we like/want/need the Soft-du-Jour we dwld. If not, we don't!
In the meantime we help each other, share great tips, learn a lot, have a bit of fun (well, a lot actually!!), members from all over the world post offers/promos/deals they find in their travels.
And we discover great Free Games & Free Softs all the time, and we always post them here.
There are threads upon threads of GREAT Freeware to choose from!!! We can hardly keep up!!
There is a lot to learn & discover 'round here. Please pay no attention to the nay sayers!!
Well darn!! Now I'm the one ranting!! :D