Since you've determined that your problem doesn't have a simple solution then you need to troubleshoot:
Run a hard drive diagnostic, verify that your problem doesn't arise from an imminent drive failure.
Run full system virus and malware/spyware scans to ensure that your PC isn't infected.
Make a full system backup if your drive is OK and clean
Check event viewer for errors. It's entirely possible that the cause of your problem will be listed. It is, of course, pointless to fix the problem if your drive is bad or PC infected so don't skip ahead.
If no joy, install Ccleaner, or similar, and let it clean the trash out of your system. A previous failed installation may be the root of your problem. Note - you should first make a copy of your saved ids and passwords from your browser. Then, clean the registry but save the entries.
If you still can't get the program to install, return to Ccleaner and disable all the items in Startup EXCEPT your anti-virus and firewall, reboot and try again.
If no luck, run msconfig and select "diagnostic startup" or "Safe Mode" in the boot option.
Then, see if the program will install. If it does then one of the drivers or programs that load at startup is causing a problem. If you're lucky the error will be displayed when your boot normally (or you can find it in event viewer); if not, you'll get a BSOD and your PC will be inoperable until you re-enter safe mode and uninstall the program. Make sure that you know how to enter safe mode from a cold start or from your "Rescue Disk" or be prepared to reinstall from the backup. The potential BSOD is why you should never install in safe mode.
If you got the BSOD, or if no error is listed on normal boot, then you'll need to use Autoruns, or similar, to disable items that run at Startup. Start by disabling everything that isn't Microsoft. Reboot and make sure that the program will install. Then re-enable items or groups of items, testing by rebooting and installing the program after each set until you identify the culprit.
If you're saying "That's a major PITA" then you're right. If you don't have an easy problem then finding it may be very tedious and most people have no desire to spend the effort. I'll also point out that GOTD may have nothing to do with the problem outside of highlighting it.