This is an excellent repeat from last year when it was given away twice (January and October 07).You can see the previous comments by following the links below:
The cruel wizard used all his power and imprisoned all of the dwarves from a wonderfull forest called Phantasia, in his strange tower in the abandoned mountains. You are the only one who can rescue all of the dwarves from the wizard's tower.
Reference accessed 12 July 2008
Most of the comments appear happy with this amusing cross between a match three colored balls and an arkanoid clone. It received a positive 93% of over 180 votes the first time it was given away and 83% of 177 votes last October, which would indicate that this is a definite ‘must at least try’ game. I certainly liked it although not to the extent that I was willing to buy it once I’d lost it to a replacement HDD and re-formatting jobs because I’ve got far better of both genres of game.
Still it is a worthy game to have in your games library, with excellent graphics and a choice of three game modes, Classic, Bubble and Arcamania styles; which IMO always makes for a worthy game 90% of the time. There are 12 in game bonuses to help you beat each level, which always helps improve game play (IMO).
The following You tube video and uploaded images will give you a flavor of what the game is like, and introduces you to the three modes of play.
All on one page:
As a Slideshow:
Some of the in game bonuses are common to all three modes as is the story that unfolds when you first start up any of the games.
System Requirements:
System RAM……………128Mb
If you don’t have openGL you can download a free copy from the following address, there’s quite a selection to fit everyone’s needs. But install the game first and see if it works, because Open GL is probably already installed via other games you may have downloaded:
I will certainly be re-downloading it today. The game is free standing, which means you can play it from a CD, pen drive, or move the file from computer to computer. The only registry entry is for the uninstall files. The game is fully mouse controlled and apparently there is game pad support included.
I was very pleased the first time this was given away due mainly to the game having an arkanoid flavor to it. The arkanoid mode is quite different to any arkanoid game I have; due to the ball changing color depending upon what ball it hits. If your ball is the same color as a group of balls it will destroy all of them, but if it’s a different color it only destroys the one that it hits. I think this game is worth 7 out of 10 for family fun and having three game modes. The graphics are apparently hand drawn, and are quite nice. There’s a brief pictorial story to introduce each mode (all three are the same) and at the start of each mode you will get several in game tips that you can scroll through.
Thank you very much 300AD and the Game Giveaway team.
Installation was a breeze, and as an added bonus the game works via Vista.
Have a great weekend folks. (one more weekend before my vacation)