Thanks ALL for all the advice. I do have lab tests done every 8 weeks because of the methotrexate I take, so I guess that helps keep track of anything developing.
Old codger or just medically downgraded???
(120 posts) (40 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
Dear WhiteRabbit,
I have been reading about your horrific injuries and worse medical care. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. You mentioned sleep apnea. I also have that. I had to go for sleep study tests, and now sleep with a Bi-pap machine. I used to stop breathing regularly, for minimum of 10 seconds each time. My memory was impacted, and I was always tired. after the first night using the machine, I no longer yawned. SUCCESS. also, I do believe in more natural care. Have you had the opportunity to try a chiropractor? I wish you well.Posted 16 years ago # -
Good morning all, I've been sitting here feeling sorry for myself and just kinda stumbled onto this forum by accident. Damn! What an eye-opener. Whiterabbit, I can relate to you and the others with back problems. Mine started in Feb. of 1978 when I broke my back while delivering beer. I fell while pulling 10 cases of longneck bottles into a cooler and suffered compression fractures of 5 vertebrae. Over the years, I have had 2 surgeries and God knows how much therapy. A few years after the back injury, I was going up steps with a load of beer on a dolly, and felt a snap in my neck. I immediately lost all feeling, but no mobility from the neck down both arms. They put me in the hospital and ran every test they could think of, and couldn't find anything wrong. Nothing was ever done for that. Now, fast forward 25 years. My spine has deteriorated to the point that I now have 3 ruptured vertebrae, another one completely surrounded by scar tissue, calcium deposits that make it look on x-rays as though my spine has grown solid, severe narrowing of 4 disc spaces, and to top it off, the latest MRI showed that every single cervical disc is either bulging or ruptured on both sides of my spine and pressing on the nerves going down both arms. I see a wonderful Physiatrist, (or Pain Mgmt Specialist) who had me on fentenyl patches for about 3-1/2 years. I was on 175mcg every two days, plus Percosets for break through pain. The patches was making it very difficult to stay awake at work, and also while driving, so I made him stop those. Now I'm just using Morphine and Percosets to control the pain as much as possible. I also had sleep apnea, which ultimately caused a problem with my heart that required surgery to correct. So far everything with that is going well, but I won't get the final verdict for another week or so. I had a sleep study done, and they said that I had the worst case of apnea they had ever seen. They are using my test results as teaching aids now! LOL. They gave me a CPAP machine, and it works absolutely great. I'm sleeping like a baby, and, more importantly, so is my wife. That alone is very beneficial to my health. I'm also a Type 2 Diabetic with high blood pressure.
It's taking me quite a long time to write this because my arms and hands go totally numb every few minutes, and they both hurt like hell. The Cavalry is coming though, as I just took my usual 3 percosets, so as soon as they kick in, I'll be a little better. To make it all worse, I got laid off from my job about a month ago, and my insurance is about to cancel. Just being able to get all this off my chest really helps. It's nearly impossible to find people to talk with who understand. Most people think you're lying to garner sympathy, which is the last thing I want. I would just like to be able to return to work and keep my insurance, and take care of our dogs. My wife and I are involved in Dachshund Rescue. That is the biggest blast you can imagine. Most of these dogs are incredible.But I digress.
Thanks for letting me run off at the mouth. I feel better already. I'll be sure and include you all in my prayers. You all seem like wonderful people, and I wish for nothing but the best for you all.Posted 16 years ago # -
Greetings and welcome to the forum ezrider. One thing about it here, most members really do care so go ahead and get everything off your chest.
A friend of mine sent me an email about God answering prayers. He said that God has only 3 answers to your prayers and the answers are:
1. Yes
2. Not yet
3. I've got something better in mindMy buddy is 74 years old and is a pretty smart guy!
Glad you shared with us ezrider,
ArchangelPosted 16 years ago # -
...and the best for you too ezrider and thanks for your openness which hopefully helps others to relieve their heart.
A warm welcome in the GOTD-forums, I hope you will join this community which can be a little crazy sometimes. Sorry, I mean of course: crazy about games - who could assume something else? ;)graylox
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hi to all! Although I've been a member of GAOTD for a bit now and enjoy freebies as much as the next guy, (BTY, rabbit, you walk on water in my book!) I don't post much due to an evergrowing case of cynicism that my husband describes as "just a little scary". It never ceases to amaze me, the resilience of this group of dynamically different personalities!! Each of you has a warmth that radiates through the www right into my monitor!
My torments and tribulations are shadowed by some of the stories I've read today, and I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have as bright a disposition as this group. In that, you have all helped me to see that I shouldn't let my heart become so hardened (that's my coping mechanism -- get pissed off at the world instead of being sad). Thank you, each of you, for reminding me that there are still folks in the world who give more than they get!
SuziPosted 16 years ago # -
Thanx notblock and archangel. I have a tendency to get down on myself, but after reading about rabbit and scubaman, I realize just how lucky I am, and it's great to be able to talk to someone who shares your pain and knows what you are going through. Whenever the situation would come up in conversation with people who don't understand, they can be quite rude and say hurtful things without even realizing they are doing so. I also have to contend with diabetic neuropathy which can make walking a challenge at times, and I get stares and rude comments when I park in the handicap spaces and get out of my truck. I've had people come up to me and say the nastiest things when they should really keep their traps shut. Sometimes I feel like just knocking their teeth out, but that would just drag me down to their level.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Thanks for posting Suzi and roll with the punches that way they don't hurt so bad. You and ezrider have people that do care here in the forum.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hi people,
I too feel for WR. I know how awful the pain can be. I somehow injured my back about 20 yrs. ago walking up the incline of a garage. Then I was rear ended about 8 yrs. ago hit my head on the roof and also got whip lashed.I was sent to therapy for a month, but still had a lot of pain goingdown one arm. I was sent for a special test to try and find out why I was still in pain. They used huge needles that they stuck in my arms,and neck(I was told when I entered the room that "God has no ears in this room". I did very well until they hit a spot on the left side of my neck, the pain was so intense they couldn't finish. So I lived with the pain Then 9 yrs. ago I slipped on some ice getting out of my truck and my back hit the step. I ruptured two cervical discs. I went to the Dr. (Dr. Gross and he was) who told me without ever looking at me to walk across the room. He said I was fine, even though I walked like I had a stick stuck where the sun doesn't shine.I went to him 3 more times before he finally sent me to a surgeon. For 4 weeks before my back surgery, all I could do was lie in bed and cry. Finally the surgeon gave me Vicodin which made me sick as a dog, so I was till in bed. One morning I took a half a tablet and could function.
I had the surgery, and went back to work, only to re-injure my back 5 yrs. later. This time, no surgery. Actually for about the past year if I don't move the wrong way or kick or lift anything I can make it through the day. On my bad days I lean over a grocery cart for support, or use a cane, walker,or a wheelchair. I've learned I can't walk through airports or for long distances. If I go grocery shopping it takes about 2 days to recoup. I'm not complaining though, oh yes I am. Someone told me once the "The more you complain, the longer God lets you live." I have pain, it's a challange and that's all, it let's me know I'm alive. So we aren't codgers we're just
medically downgraded if it wasn't for the pain,we'd be out there kickin' it with the rest of the youngin's. I do wish there was more research done on pain and it's effect on people.
All I want is ( luck to all of you who are having difficulties, my prayers are with you.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hi Samm personally I prefer this version
Posted 16 years ago # -
Gee Samm.. sounds like you're describing me.. using the shopping cart for support and not able to walk for long distances! Originally my doctor put me on a high dosage of Tylenol (might have mentioned that before), 2-500 mg. tabs. 3 times a day. Then my lab test showed my liver function was elevated.. quit taking the Tylenol! Then it tested normal.
Now I just started going to physical therapy rehab. as per the doctors recommendation, 1-1/2 weeks ago. Their main goal is strengthening my lower back muscles and legs so my back will support me and help me stand up straight. Have to do a series of exercises 2x's a day and go there 2x's a week for 4 weeks, then they re-evaluate. Two days ago, for the very FIRST time I had a whole day without pain and actually felt good! Hubby said I was walking straighter, so there's hope yet!!! The next day, (yesterday), hubby said, you're hurting again, I can see it in your face. So it's a matter of continuing those exercises and NOT doing them wrong! I think I messed up yesterday because I didn't do one of them correctly. This morning my back woke me up since it hurt so bad.. so guess I'd better go do my morning exercises! Guess if there's no pain, there's no gain, as the saying goes?Posted 16 years ago # -
You know, its funny. The physical therapy I received after my car accident consisted of two PT techs coming into my hospital room the day before I was released, dragging a two-step stairs contraption. They then taught me how to climb up and down that contraption on my walker. The next day I went home and that was that. Didn't think much of it at the time, no big deal, I was young. Now, fifteen years later my health insurance co. is telling me that since it can't be proven that MS is NOT caused from brain trauma, it is all considered "pre-existing" due to the original car accident. I hear advice from everyone that I can fight that decision, but sometimes its easier just to let it go. Sorry folks, it must be my turn to vent, didn't mean to get carried away =). Copmom, hang in there, anything worth doing is worth doing right!!
Posted 16 years ago # -
Thanks knighthawk, I like that one better too. Copmom, your hubby sounds like my mother, no matter how much I smile, she can tell from my face when I'm in pain.
I got a great deal on a transport wheelchair when we were in Mississippi, brand new, 50 bucks!! I couldn't believe it. Hubby was like that's the biggest thing you've ever bought on a trip, how are we getting it home? (Is it a man thing or just me?) You're gonna push me, that's how!! Well he won't be pushing me anymore, too fast, and I'm screaming the whole way, so I still have to wait on a skycap.Posted 16 years ago # -
To me, to complain is comforting and somehow, to talk is to find relief.
I have crohns disease.
My biggest struggle is the fact that I can predict nothing. Ever.
I know not when I can go out of my house, when I will be in pain or when I will be okay.
It seems such a simple problem doesn't it?until you try it forever. Until you have to cancel your dentist appointment six times.
until you have to try to get another appointment... people just don't believe you anymore.I read in all your stories the things that are keeping me busy too, in one way or another. pain, nasty attitudes of doctors.
But mostly that nasty attitude is what bothers me most. I am on Entocort meds( budesonide) and this is a corticosteroid. Now, in combination with my own healty hormone levels and long term use, for which it is NOT meant to be taken, the side effects are severe emotions.
I cry about EVERYTHING.and do you know what the worst result of that is? no one takes me seriously anymore, about anything, since I am in tears.
Not a single person I have met, not a single doctor, who can see through that.
I explain it is a side effect, I explain I have no grief or inner pain, but I cry for too much you think they believe me?
nope. all they associate tears with is inner pain, even if they should know better.
the negativity that comes with people not believing this!!!!DOCTORS for crying out loud!anyway, it makes me mad, sad and angry.
by the way, I am a happy person. I just moved in with the love of my life, my financial situation is no longer a crisis, and apart from the damn side effects I'm fine. more or less.
but this...
One stands alone often.
after moving house I got a new doctor in a new region of my country, and what an ass it is. I so miss my old doctor.
the moment the new one saw my tears I was no longer a normal human being to him.
the second time I was there, the first thing he asked was: is it quieter now inside your head?I almost punched him then and there. so angry he made me.
as if my disease is between my ears instead of my belly
As if my medication does nothing at all...I guess in a minute I will start believing I'm a mental case.
and you know what? I wish I were, because I then could go to a psych and have some therapy and HEAL.
I guess I'm just mad at my doctor, and you can count on the fact that I will be finding a new one, and this time,
this time the guy or lady HAS to have some sense of HUMOR or I will flip.I've seen too many hospitals, too many exams and too many wrong meds to have much faith left in the medical world. Except maybe for the fact that I'm still alive.
whew, thanks for letting me ramble folks.
I needed that.
I wish you all the very best healthwise, the most wonderful doctors, and the best possible solutions.
my motto:
Survive! Improvise! Overcome!
hugz for all.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Freebird I'm so sorry for your plight. It so maddens me to hear these stories. Do they really think we do the things we do because we're bored, or looking for attention? I'm sure you feel like I do in that there are many, many other ways to get attention. I wouldn't wish this crap on my worse enemy. I remember the first GP I ever saw as an adult. I had become anorexic while taking care of my mom in the last stages of her life. His diagnosis for EVERY single thing I aquired was depression. A sinus infection for god's sake, had become a symptom of my depression. I stopped seeing him after that. One of the neurosurgeons I saw for the MS had me walk down a hallway and back and decided that was enough to prove MS wasn't an issue. She didn't even look at the MRI scans. The only doctor who believes the things I say is my shrink. His heart is in the right place, but since the insurance doesn't want to get involved I can't justify the price of the specialists he wants to send me to. I really can't see losing my house and causing my family to become homeless over my inability to be healthy.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is as long as its financially feasable, don't give up. One day God will put you in the right place at the right time and a doctor is going to take you seriously. It seems the younger ones have a better attitude. Maybe because they've not aquired the God Complex yet.
Many hugs back to you, too!Oh, and by the way, I cry over everything too. Not because I have a legit reason like you, but because I'm just so damned tired. Don't ever, ever feel bad for crying. In my opinion its when you stop crying that you need to worry! =)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Suzimac.. been trying to catch up here. As for your insurance company and MS.. they don't have a clue on what causes MS! Ask me!! My hubby was diagnosed with that when he was 32 years old, and at that point in time, even the doctors knew nothing about it! We'd never heard of it, and had 4 small kids. We asked the doctor if it was something you died from, he asked how old our oldest daughter was, (I think about 8 - 10), and he said "you might live to see her graduate high school'. That sounded like a death sentence to us! His speech was slurred, (people thought he was drunk), his balance was totally off. When we had to see any doctors for anything (like a hang nail for example.. yes, I'm being sarcastic), they'd just say it's part of the MS and it will pass. Bull. They knew nothing about it whatsoever! We used to have to explain to them what it was! So, we finally got to the point of not telling doctors he had MS! We went to an MS clinic and the people we saw there were so bad off, hubby said if he was going to be like that he didn't want to continue living! Of course it also affects ego, and self worth. A man that's used to working and being productive finds it very hard not being able to provide for his family anymore! That leads to depression, amongst other things.
First he was totally bedridden for 3 years, then graduated to a wheelchair, then a walker, then Canadian canes, and spent hours squeezing a little rubber ball to make his fingers work. If he went to take a drag on a cigarette, he'd poke his nose with it instead of his mouth. If his brain said to step up on a curb, the foot didn't listen to the brain and he'd fall flat on his face. The messages from the brain go haywire. He was told his brainwave test showed 'grossly abnormal'.. whoopy do!
We applied for Social Security Disability, and he kept getting turned down. Every 6 months we'd appeal. This went on for 3-1/2 years. He went to the specialists that they sent him to, and they still kept turning him down. Finally he had a hearing, and a lady said they were running late, would we like to look at his file! YES! Skimmed through quickly and found that THEIR doctor.. Dr. Thiennes, that DISCOVERED what MS was, had on his prognosis that this was irreversible and was totally disabling! Pointed that out to the judge at the hearing. It finally got approved, retroactive to the day we applied 3-1/2 years before, and by golly hubby was the very first person that Social Security Disability was awarded to for MS. They finally recognized that it WAS a disability! If nothing else, that paved the way for others that came after him. Now it's been 42 years, (yes, we're a couple of old farts). He's learned to live with it, and what NOT to do! Once you recognize your limitations, you can adjust and not do things that will make things worse and set you back, like avoiding really hot weather, (that would knock him flat on his back in bed for weeks), not taking really hot baths, not lifting things too heavy, adjusting his gait walking (like a sailor), so he wouldn't fall. Good thing he's got a hard head because balance is really affected.
Long story short, there might be new things out there for MS patients that we're not aware of. One doctor that was treating him for depression and really knew his meds. said that MS very closely resembles people with an extreme vitamin B deficiency! So, I started zapping him with high potency multi Vitamin B. That must have helped because he is now up and around and walking on his own 2 feet.
Enough rambling. Didn't want to make this a novel, but just wanted to share that even though someone does have something like MS can look forward to it going into remission and that it's not the end of the world!!! Just have to learn to live with it!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all ~ Lauri
Posted 16 years ago # -
@suzimac, and others.
Thanks, I will not give up, I already made the appointment with my whats the term.. housedoctor?
anyway, tomorrow I tell her I need a new doctor. ( don't know the english term for my kind of doctor. mdl in dutch, which means, Maag-stomach, Darm-bowel, Lever-liver doctor.
And in the mean time I sent an email to my new hospital, ( closer to home) and asked which mdl doctors work there, and which ones are good at communicating. I also asked which one(s) have a sense of humor.very curious if/and/or/what kind of answer I'm gonna get lol!
Also, I can seriously relate to what you say about the symtoms being judged as being mental by nature.
the *ssholes. For 5 years I had an income on mental basis, instead of medical as it should have been. It was the only way they COULD give me an income, but in the end I almost believed it myself, that my stomach aches were in my head. How rediculous can one get eh?anyway, back then I actually WAS a basket case haha! but, worked through that, like everyone does who hits bumps in the road.
In the end, I consider myself more skilled at communicating than many a doctor.
However, some people just absolutely dont WANT to communicate with something horrible as their patients. ( yep, being sarcastic here.. nice eh? )so, right now, I gathered all the "happy stuff" I could, and made myself a nice, healing, wonderful, comfortable winter nest for a day or two...
nice, healthy food, nice movie, closed curtains, it,s grey outside and it's been raining for over two weeks more or less. my cat on my printer, and ( ooh) a joint.
( which is legal over here... :-)))and now I just hope for spring to spring.
sun, I want some SUN!!! nice, warm, spring sun.
has anyone seen the crocusses yet?*Smiles*
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hey Everyone... I have been a GOTD fan over the last several months, and like so many others found myself looking for ways to occupy my time whilst dealing with a constant companion who goes by the name of "chronic pain".
Finally realizing that letting go of the life I had planned ...allowing me to discover the life that's waiting for me. Shedding the old skin so my new skin can to speak.
I had been going to see a physician at a place called "Open Door Clinic" which id ironic, because I finally realized they had been slamming the door in my face for the last 3 years, although i know I don't have Lyme disease,Lupus , Rheumatoid Arthritis or AIDS, also don't have a diagnosis ,strong enough pain meds, which means I cannot get disability status nor work . Finally got in to see a new Dr. 3 weeks ago and he says I have fibromyalgia ,ordered tests to see if I have bone spurs and started me on pain medication 60 amonth 2x a day , not nearly enough , but I'm getting somewhere finally .
Seeing what GOTD has to offer each day feels like getting a present every morning -occupies me while waiting for meds to work , getting to read all the feedback and also reading what you'll have to say.
I want to share another GREAT website that has been of tremendous benefit to me (as well as many friends ,( furry ones included)has something for everyone!!
EarthClinic folk remedies is the name of it . To Whiterabbit... there are 75+ remedies for acid reflux (so far) listed . Plus A to Z remedies for every ailment on Earth practically . Also there is a man names "Ted" that is especially helpful with all queries , be it supplemental, herbal , pharmeceutical and back again ...I've read many posts where "TED" from Bangkok solved some paricularly vitally important queries involving the "latest" drugs ,herbal interactions and so forth and how they work or why they don't ... please everyone ,visit this site !!! So much you can learn to help yourself and others . I have helped many in my family with gallstones , cancer , arthritis , thyroid ... you name it.
I use organic raw apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey mixed into warm purified water every morning - I no longer have stomach acid problems. I also use aloe vera juice and papaya tablets to aid digestion , works wonders and it's inexpensive & natural.
I've also began "extra virgin coconut oil" therapy(look at earthclinic)not only for me, I include my dogs as well (3) they love coconut oil. The oil improves their overall health ,makes their coat shiny, rids them of itchy skin , gets rid of "doggy breath" etc.As soon as they hear me opening the coconut oil jar , they all run to the kitchen , sit right down , tails thumping ,waiting for their daily tsp.
So please everyone -go check out earthclinic ,it's a tremendous ally to have in your quest for health and well-being .
Remember , there are still cavedwellers , and the caves are our hearts :)Posted 16 years ago # -
I want to say thank you to all of you on here. I know that saying that might sound like a strange thing to start off with, but as much as I wish that I could somehow take it all away from you; it is also a strange comfort to find that you are not alone. I share a lot of the pain and experiences that you so many of you talk about and reading how brave all of you are for continuing through it and being able to go on for so long sealing with all of this gives me hope. As well as dealing with some of the same things that so many of you are; I also am going through a rough period of ‘dealing’ with the thoughts that come with all of this. Besides the people that are/were close to me I haven’t/don’t really like to tell to much of what happened or what I go through. It seems that it has cost me dearly in friend (or what I thought were friends) and hate to take a chance on losing more. Reading all of these posts leave me with a feeling that it is ok to tell someone and not lose anything in the process.
April 4, 2000 I was at my full time job (as a utility line locator – “Call Before You Dig” for those of you in the United States). I left one work sight and was on the way to another when I was involved in an accident and eventually was raced to the hospital. (The short version as promised..)
Within three hours at the hospital they decided that I was hurt too far past the capabilities of this hospital and decided to have me immediately transferred to University Hospital in Cincinnati. Five hours later.. a trauma ambulance showed to take me down to the hospital. As soon as I got into the trauma part of the ER at the other hospital they disregarded everything from the other hospital and repeated the tests (including cutting off the cast on my wrist and redoing all of that). I was being heavily drugged for various reasons from about 2 hours at the first hospital so I was in and out of knowing what was happening. My wife and parents were making all the decisions at this point (my mom is a nurse and was actually doing the bulk of it). At some point when I was more conscious, I was told a list of damage that they already knew about and they were working on. I had multiple fractures to both the bones in my right wrist, I had 4 complete fractures and 3-5 cracks in my pelvis, my right hip socket was completely shattered, and my right thigh bone was fractured length-wise and the head (the large ball at the top of the thigh bone) was basically shattered as well. One of the reasons that they were drugging me so heavily (I was put into a ‘dream like state’ many times) was because they were trying to set my hip back into the socket. Because the first hospital somehow missed all the damage to my pelvis; they had not helped any by the way they had been trying to put it back and caused it to fill with blood. This made it impossible for them to do the surgery needed to rebuild my pelvis and try to set my hip in place so that scar tissue could grow to help hold it. Therefore they had to put a pin through the lower area of my right thigh so they could put it in traction (to allow the blood to drain) and to help hold it still. At the time I didn’t understand all of what they were saying. I mentioned that I needed to use the bathroom and so they cathed me (this is why I am telling you this) so much fluid came out when they cathed me that they called a code blue and I immediately went into shock. When I woke I was in a different room and I could hear people faintly crying. A doctor was above me and told me that although things were looking better than before, there was still a chance I may die before morning and even if I lived he doubted I would ever be able to walk more than a few feet with a special walker. I was in the hospital for almost a month.
The first three months out of the hospital I had to stay at my parents because the equipment I had to use wouldn’t fit through the doors of the mobile home my wife, kids, and I lived in. My wife and children came and spent the night before I was going home with me. My parents (who deserve sainthood for all their help) took the chance to get a night to themselves. The next morning my parents’ doorbell began ringing over and over. My wife quickly answered the door. After several minutes she rushed off to another room. Her best friend came in looking grim. She sat down next to my hospital bed, handed me a several page note in my wife’s handwriting, and told me about the affair that her husband and my wife had been having since my accident. Also, that she had been trying to convince her to admit to an affair she had been having with a man at our church for the last year or so. I was in shock. I will save you the long drawn out part where I tried to save my marriage and just tell you that we divorced about six months later. I found an apartment nearby that I moved into with my oldest daughter (then 12). The daughter that she and I had together we agreed to joint custody. I felt guilty for all the help my daughter had to do with this and soon let a friend of mine move in. She and I had been friends for a long time and she had just broken up with her boyfriend and needed a place to stay. We lived as friends and she helped out. Several months later we fell in love and married. Things were great for several years. Two years ago she started stealing my pain meds. This became a HUGE problem that I was trying to get her to admit and get help with. Last March she left me because “It wasn’t fun anymore”. Jan 1st she gave birth to a baby from another guy (if you are doing your math right now she would have conceived end of March or very beginning of April – salt to the wound, my birthday is March 29th. She was busy with something and could get together that night… hmmm).
Since the accident I have had several surgeries on my hip repairing it with screws and plates, a total hip replacement, several surgeries on my right knee to clean it out from various scar tissue, bone chips, and whatever else is in there. Because of my large size there was concern for the ‘wear and tear’ on the hip replacement (as well as horrible sleep apnea) so I also had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. From the pressure my body took in the accident the majority of my joints have had the fluid ‘squished’ out of them; so when they move it is bone on bone. I have degenerative bone disease in my back along with ‘unexplained’ damage (I jest with the unexplained part, because the insurance company insists that my back couldn’t have been injured in the wreck because it wasn’t mentioned at the either of the hospitals right after the wreck). I also have various nerve damage that leaves some areas numb, my right big toe is hyper sensitive, and I have pain in areas that were not injured (or enough to cause the pain), and then of course pain. Between all that has happened and all that I have lost I have dealt with and still deal with a lot of depression.
About six months ago I had a neurostimulator implant that helps with some of the pain, but when the doctor went in to insert the leads into my spine he said it was so bad that he could only get one in and he really had to work to get that one in. I use Fentynal patches, Hydrocodone and Celebrex for pain. I take several other meds I need for other problems associated with all this as well. I refused to give up when I did leave the hospital and found a Physical Therapist that helped me re-learn to walk again. It took me almost a year to do it, but I walk with only a cane now. Unfortunately, with all that is going on at this point, it is estimated that I will be back in a wheel chair in the next 3-5 years because of all the degeneration.
Anywho, thank you for letting me get that out. I have tried to keep to the point and left out a lot of the details so as not to bore you too much. I tried to keep it short, but it does seem to be fairly long; for that I apologize. I hold you all in the highest regards for dealing with what you do and know at least part of what you are going through. Chronic pain is horrible and the damage that it does is far more than just the physical that people immediately think.
Posted 16 years ago # -
ibwebb.. thank you for sharing. After reading all that you have gone through (as well as everyone else), it really makes me stop and think that what some of us have is nothing compared to others! It's amazing that you are able to be up and walking at all with all that you've gone through! Keep your spirits up! That's what's so wonderful about being able to 'vent' about problems here.. it helps get things off your chest, clears the mind, and makes us able to cope with another day!!
May God BLESS all of you!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} ~ LauriPosted 16 years ago # -
Here's a little something that was sent to me that I'd like to share. May brighten your day.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Boy.. that sure says a LOT! Thanks for sharing!
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hi everybody. Just thought I'd check in to see how you all were doing. ibwebb, You've really been through hell and back several times, and like all the rest here, I notice one common thread. Nobody has given up. We're all still kickin' and trying our best to go forward. I'm still on lay-off, and I have to stop typing every few minutes to hold my head still and let my neck relax so it won't spasm on me, and that makes my arms and hands go numb so I have to stop that and shake 'em out, but I'm still going. LOL. Archangel, that really is quite a video. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm also amazed at the treatment a lot of you have suffered at the hands of the medical community. I guess I'm just very lucky. My doctors and nurses have all been so wonderful, I would never be able to get through all of this without them. All of them are from Lutheran Hospital here in Ft. Wayne, IN. They are the absolute best in the business. I wish I could bring you all here to get the help that you need. I'll keep you all in my prayers, and I'll check back every now and then to see how everyone's doing, so until then, keep on swinging. We're all survivors.Posted 15 years ago # -
Ezrider, you manage to give me some hope that it'll all be alright again...
It's not easy to fEEL like a survivor too ;-)Posted 15 years ago # -
Well Freebird, in my case I've been dealing with this for 31 years now, and I remember early on while wearing my huge back brace, feeling like the world was coming to an end. Thankfully, it didn't. With the help of some amazing doctors and nurses, plus a good friend who was going through even worse circumstances with his back, I've been able to survive, and even prosper. Last summer, against the advice of a lot of people, my wife and I built an 18' X 18' wood deck on the back of our house. We also added a 10' X 18' screen room and with 5' X 7' bump-out for my grill which is also under the roof of the screen room. It took a LOT of percosets and hours in the jacuzzi, but we did it with only minimal help from her son and mine. That accomplishment made me feel so good I can't describe it. And now, thanks to being laid off from my job, we are not sure if we will be here to enjoy it this summer. THAT would suck. Oh well, we'll still have the pictures to look at. LOL!
Posted 15 years ago # -
Every time I walk among you folks, I feel as if I am treading upon hallowed ground. Your strength and courage have inspired me, your wit entertained me, your friendship sustained me. I've prayed for your challenges, learned from your wisdom, laughed with your victories and left each encounter, in some way, renewed.
As a Navy veteran, I'd like to dedicate this Prayer by an Unknown Confederate Soldier to all of you. I've carried it with me since the death of my daughter, some thirty-odd years now. Hopefully, the words will bring a measure of healing to your spirits.
I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.I asked for God for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.I asked God for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.I asked God for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need for Him.I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.Posted 15 years ago # -
FYI: Not sure how this will work in other countries, but here in the US if you Google "find a doctor" or something similar you can find out all kinds of info on doctors; which colleges they went to, what insurance they accept, how long they've been in practice etc. I found my cardiologist this way and I wouldn't trade him for anything.
Archangel....LOVE that video...thanks for sharing your poem too....thanks!
BKPosted 15 years ago # -
Hey everybody, I'm back! How is everyone doing? I hope you're all making some progress and feeling better. I still haven't found a job yet. But I had a little setback with my heart and spent 3 days in hospital again. I missed my favorite holiday, St. Patty's Day, but I'm back home now. I've been given a heart monitor to wear for a month, so that kinda kills any job interview. What do I tell them when they see all the wires running under my shirt? That I'm an experimental RoboCop and they just haven't buried the wires yet? Or maybe I'm trying a new personal internet connection that runs through my glasses. LOL. But seriously, I've just been accepted into a fairly new laser spine treatment program. They said for my lower back, but I haven't asked about my neck yet. They asked for the MRI reports on both, so maybe they can do something for my neck. I have to call them early next week to set things up. My wife is anxious for me to go, but I'm kinda starting to get cold feet. She wants nothing more than to see me without pain and off the drugs. I know...I'm an idiot. I might as well try it, it's better than nothing, and if it works, I may possibly be pain free for the first time in over 30 years.
I have to travel to Dayton, Ohio, which is only about an hour from here, and 45 minutes from my hometown of Columbus. I'd only be there for a couple of days and I'd be back on my feet the same day as the procedure. They're going to run a camera up from the base of my spine to the bad parts and then send a laser in to zap the discs and scar tissue that is causing all of the problems. I just don't see how they can get all the way up to me neck without doing any damage of there own. I guess I'll just have to trust them. I'll surely let you all know when I go in and then what the results are.
So Freebird, ibwebb, copmom, Archangel, Cavedweller, Suzi, and especially you, Whiterabbit, and everybody else that I might have missed, I'll keep y'all in my prayers and y'all just keep on truckin'. They can't keep a good man, or woman, down! Thanks again for listening to the ranting from a broken down old biker. Hell, the sun's shining, so I'm going out and get some saddle time! That always puts a smile on my face. Take care everyone.Posted 15 years ago # -
Glad to see you back ezrider. I'm back as Chief at my old department and with the ice storm back in Feb and the tornado's in March and one yesterday, I haven't had time to hurt LOL!
Thanks for your prayers and as for me, there working. I'll continue praying for the rest.
Posted 15 years ago # -
EZRIDER.. make sure you keep us updated! My prayers for you are that this procedure does fix things and make you pain free, and for God to guide the doctors hands while they do the procedure!!
Posted 15 years ago #
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