Both main and mirror download links generate a corrupted .zip file. This happened in the last week with another file (Flash...).
Any suggestions for this recurring problem
Both main and mirror download links generate a corrupted .zip file. This happened in the last week with another file (Flash...).
Any suggestions for this recurring problem
When I try to use my Free Download Manager, version 2.1 build 428 Copyrigth 2003-2006
Microsoft IE popup window reads:
Script on page causing IE to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script? Yes / No
No = just does a temporary frezys before returning to same popup window to click on Yes
Does This mean that I have too much gaveawayoftheday programs on my computer?
Can I save the Programs/ Games on Cd's after I ativate them? and still work?
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