So has anyone seriously tried this out yet? I have to say IMHO it is awesome :) Lol I have gotten onto finding the killer in her friends apartment i can't believe how in depth you have to search for everything to be able to complete one part of the task this game is very promising and wonder if i can do it without searching for cheats
East Side Story
(20 posts) (10 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
Is my first time playing such game. Very exciting but kind of 'stuck' now cos I can find any key to get into the department? Anyone can give some hint' I went back and forth the 'home' only manage to find a 'plyers' and the letter and pic the friends sent. Did I miss any clue so where ....... the home ? The store got nothing just a lady talking blur blur thats all .
Posted 16 years ago # -
you definately are missing something it is in his apartment he leaves you the letter telling you he hid a key actually there is two keys won't tell you where either is though don't want to spoil it for ya:)
I have made it to the shelter but going to bed now or i will never get up:) lolPosted 16 years ago # -
i'm pretty psyched about this game! i am a total point-n-click(er).
i've only just started, but it's gonna be fun.
:DPosted 16 years ago # -
Reminds me alot of Myst actually. I play alot of these types of games on Gametap (usually Myst itself and related games, heh).
Posted 16 years ago # -
Well i am stuck now:) lol Have made it to the shelter and spoke with the lady there and now am wondering if i missed something back at the mine or whatever it is cause i can't seem to get anything to fit in those dark rooms:) lol
Posted 16 years ago # - the note from Jonas (the one she gets when she goes into her home), there's a hint there for a key. Also, remember whenever you take one step forward look in all directions before taking any more steps. There is a walkthrough here:
along with some other info. If you use it just move down the page slowly so you only reveal where you are in the game at the time, that way you won't give yourself hints ahead and spil the game. Once you get the hang of really looking everywhere, at everything and in all directions you can progress without help. Also remember to go back and check again because things that weren't available earlier become available after you do certain other things. You have to think logically in these games. For example if you find a key and it doesn't fit one lock try every lock you come to untill you find the one it opens. Also, if you use something and it stays in your inventory it usually is because you will need it again. Another hint....I make notes as I'm playing, names, places, dates, numbers etc. You never know when sometihng will be a clue for later on in the game. (This is especially helpful if your memory isn't what it used to mine :)All in all I'm finding thhis to be an awesome game.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Wow thanks Blu and Buckleysmom for the 'hints' . Got to 'play cheat a little to know how to get the key to apt(thats it I 's...w..ear' :) . Cos I go back and forth (even did manage to get to Borg's apt with no 'help' before but probably miss the 'key on floor' (color too close) ... "excuse :P LOL. This game is so neat!
Posted 16 years ago # -
This is really a nice game, I hope GOTD will get is the other one called Remedy.
I had to use the cheat I found last night, but it's smooth sailing now! Have fun E1.Posted 16 years ago # -
For someone who first time play such kind of 'detective' game and such 'intelligent' I really do 'cheat' a little when I am 'stuck'. Maybe after this the next game I will be more familiar to go without cheat. :P
Posted 16 years ago # -
oh no i was away & missed the download
arghhhhhhhhhPosted 16 years ago # -
spunkee....that's too bad, but there have been a lot of complaints from people who weren't able to get the download due to various issues and there are a lot of requests for them to re-run the game so who knows....maybe they'll run it again.'s it going? I thought for sure the candles & lighter on Carol's kitchen table would be the "light" needed for the dark areas. I kept going back to see if they were available yet but they weren't. I gotta say the thing that actually did provide the light was a surprise. (Don't want to give away any details here). I'll say it again...this is one cool game!
Posted 16 years ago # -
I ended up using the 'cheats' more than I thought I would, maybe because once I started using them, I found it easy to use again. Some of the things you need to advance in the game were rather hard to find without help (for me anyway). I never was good at this type of game, I had to use cheats back when I played Myst years ago. I do like this game, I am just not real good at it. If we get more of these maybe I will get better. :)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Me too... is seems to be 'impossible'. The best part is even I know the cheat, I still can't get pass LOL......(embarrassed) e.g I am 'stuck' with the 'telescope' part. I try 'so hard' to used both tele (my eyes gonna 'twist together soon reading the tiny holes' still can't find the fortress. . Gonna rest my poor tiny eyes a while before go on. LOL.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Jul....if you're looking through the telescope you must have already been at the fortress because what you do at the fortress is what males the building available where the telescope is (Can't think of the name of the building but it's the tall yellow tower where you go up to look through the telescope). Here's a small hint....when you're walking up to the building, if you turn right at one spot you'll see a bench with a bush in front of it, pan over the bush, there's a stick in it that you need to take. I found that totally by accident.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Wow thanks Buckleysmom for your detail hint!
Will try it later. Hug ! :)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Well i finally finished this game and boy was it hard. My problem was with Leonard he kept killing me;) lol Also had a problem finding that dang silver key for the lock box . This is the first time ever playing this type of game and i tell ya it kept me up till 4am last night and i been playing it most of today kept getting stumped on where to go next so decided i would just try each and every darn building each time and finally i was determined and managed to make it through only used one cheat on the whole game and yes it was that dang silver key wished i hadn't now though... What got me is i was never able to go to the police think they should have used that building in the game .... lol
Posted 16 years ago # -
I think I am very bad at this game. I am still at the first location, wandering in circles. Finding the key was easy, it took me 30 minutes to find the area with the water. I did find the exit from the area. But I spent another 15 fruitless minutes looking for the cucumber.
So far the music is soothing and the pictures are pretty, but the game and going in circles is a little frustrating.
If I can't even figure this out, I don't think I am going to be able to play the rest of the game.
Anyhow, could someone describe what scene the cucumber is in?
And is there a help forum for this game somewhere, something besides the walkthrough?
Posted 16 years ago # -
Raine the cucumbers are in a bin high off the ground. The one thing i did to get my sense of direction in this game is with each foot forward i looked to the left then back to the screen i was on then looked to the right then back and moved forward one step at a time till i couldn't go forward anymore one other thing also is if you are on a turn to the left or right screen and you can go forward don't automatically do it check to the other side first before going ahead .. Hope that helps someone
Posted 16 years ago # -
Thanks blu! I'd been wandering all over the place looking for those cucumbers! And how do you move forward one step at a time? I've been using my mouse just trying to find arrows!
Posted 16 years ago #
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