Bonsoir LeKanaw and merci beaucoup pour ton labour.
Je suis desole parce que je nais pas suivre cette thread, pero si, hay un Forum en Español, pero no suele haber muchos comentarios las veces que lo he visitado.
Thank you for checking it for me though, it wasn't really a problem. more of a question. Things seem ok, so I think I did what I was supposed to do.
Sorry about taking so long to follow up on this thread. I have RUN into a (human) virus which, besides a little fever also gave me what you would get by adding and 'S' to the end of the only word in uppercase letters that's in this sentence :( Four days later I felt better, but the bugger came back, and it seemed to be angry at me or something. I found out later that this bug has been going around here (Phoenix, AZ) and after the second 'run' it goes away and so far it has.
You guys are serious pack-rats, but I like to think that I am one as well. I don't have thousands of disks but there is a reason for it, and my folks threw away most of my childhood stuff when I came to the States. If you don't mind, I'll add my contribution to the pack-rat team.
In a nutshell I had accumulated thousands of disks during my 20 years in school, but I lost most it four years ago. In two years I have filled half a TB of HD space, 200 or so optical disks, and I have a few hundred blank ones ready to be filled to make room for more stuff, so I am getting there. Bear in mind that I don't store music, or movies,... Most of what I save is software.
No catalog though, I print labels with contents and put 4 character codes from a password maker on both the label and the disk in case they get separated. I know that this approach will make it hard to find stuff for me, but I find cataloging very time consuming and in the end, like BuBBy, I only use a small portion of it all anyway. I also want to clear one of my disks so I can backup images of my OS disk or run some kind of RAID or something. For now I am backing up files, but a disk failure would be a pain (besides losing all the GA's), so I want to be ready.
Ah, and I still have the first HD I bought, an ISA Seagate ST-250 with a whooping 20 Mb of storage (some fools at e-bay are selling them for 100 bucks!) and a bunch of 5-1/4'' diskettes which came from a Borland C++ compiler distribution that contained at least 25 disks. The ancient diskettes contain backups of what is stored in the ancient drive which contains what I miss most, my early work.
Now I need a working computer with an XT case, ISA slots an HD controller and a 2-1/4'' diskette reader, because, I am very optimistic (yeah right) and I know the old HD will work. Well, not really, but my brother had a copy of what I wanted from it and sent it to me. One thing I lost that really hurt was my ZX Spectrum (The Spanish version) and games for it in cassette tapes. I know about the emulator and all, but it had a lot of sentimental value....
I never throw away the packages of the gadgets or games (the cellophane wrappers) I buy. I keep all receipts (I have all of them since 2004) and every single piece of paperwork I run across. I even save certain shopping bags. I collect printed circuits from broken phones, child toys, old TV's, etc., and I use them to make fun things with lasers and magnets and diodes and capacitors. I have two computers that I have built by saving parts people were throwing away, literally, dumpster diving. I also keep all the books I have already read that I own.
Anyway I hope this is enough to join the pack-rat clan, but if not, I have more examples.
PS: If you want to read the gory details of my pack-rat adventures I'll post them in a more appropriate forum.