I created an account but when I tried to register, you had to pay. I thought the who point of Give-Away-of-the-Day was that we didn't have to pay anything. How do we register without paying?
(6 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
you can create an account here http://www.playsaga.com/intro_gaotd/ it's free
Posted 16 years ago # -
I registered there, it said I was unregistered, then asked to pay and pay for the packets. Isn't the security code the numbers and letters in the box?
Posted 16 years ago # -
you will not be "registered". you can still play the game.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Why do I have to go through all the darn updates every time I click on the game? The Saga patcher...the long one I gave in the other saga forum. So far I can still NOT get in the game. I click on my nation and it says I have to create a nation to be there, but can't find where to do that.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Whitemist--same problem here. Still awaiting a response from tech support on the issue. I'll post their answer when it comes in. (I even bought the game and still cannot get into it!)
Posted 16 years ago #
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