Thank you Maizey for the new link. I can't await the 23rd, then I'll get some more speed into my cable, and shall hopefully be able to look at original films from all edges of the world.
Movie / TV Websites
(87 posts) (26 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
I am responding to the remark made about the multiple posts recommending Graboid.
This is why I don't post on many forums but I was hoping this one would be different. No, I am not part of a tag team because I posted about Graboid and someone came along later, didn't read the previous responses, and added their reply. It's a great program and those who have used it can't wait to tell others about it. Instead, their enthusiasm is met here with suspicion.
Maybe I'm too sensitive for these new internet dialogue boards/rooms. But I think my previous fears about them are more accurate than I thought. I am not convinced that they are a place where people come to get honest reviews about a program/service as much as they are just a place to socialize with others.
Just skimming the "did you find this comment helpful" part of the GAOTD page is the best indicator of that. One of the highest rated comments today was difficult for me to read because the poster didn't even bother to write complete words. The majority of the other responses were all negative.
I hope that I am wrong about the forum because I was really looking forward to exchanging ideas with others about the many unknown treasures of the internet but then I read this reply today and am thinking I might be in the wrong place after all.
Posted 16 years ago # -
heidihopes, the comments were referring to two consecutive posts one by paul202116 and the other by freestuff204. Poster paul202116 said hi to freestuff204 before freestuff204 even posted. Both were members for only a minute before their posts. Yes, this situation was cause for suspicion, especially since freestuff204's post appeared to be written like an ad.
From what I've read in this thread, all comments to posts by heidihopes were positive and/or constructive in nature. You've got to understand that most people on these forums are looking for free stuff. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing a paid service or software title, if it is worth the price. Please do not be put off by what you may have misunderstood.
The forums and the comments on the front page are two different worlds. They are not connected. There are others who can benefit from your personal reviews. Not everyone shows their appreciation by posting replies. (I, for one, was afraid to comment for about 1 year. But I did gather a lot of useful information in that time.)
So, you are not in the wrong place. :)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Actually, those two users (freestuff204 & paul202116) appear to be the same person - accounts were created at the same time - and from the same IP address. Make of that what you will.
Posted 16 years ago # -
BubbyCo, I see another contest in the making: Guess Who They Are?
I'll go first. They're just cousins, Identical Cousins all the way.
Posted 16 years ago # -
rune- thank you, for reminding me of the patty duke show! the show was good, but the intro rocks!!!!
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hey, was Patty Duke in "Valley of the Dolls?" That is one of my all time favourite cult classics.
Posted 16 years ago # -
oh, yes she was.
Posted 16 years ago # -
I love that line "I just got to have me a doll."
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hello Hedihopes,
Maizeydaze expresses eloquently what I also would have said. This is a pretty friendly forum and if you give it half a chance, I am sure that you will find it an invaluable source of information and a wealthy exchange of ideas. I certainly have garnered a lot from here and have never felt threatened or intimidated by anyone. The forum is not like that, although the comments section is more like entering Roman Gladiators.
I dont believe anyone was disparaging your remarks on Graboid, they were merely referring to the previous posters who were clearly promoting the service as an advertisement. That isn't really the spririt of this forum.
Anyway I hope to see you around here. Unfortunately for me Graboid ceased to work after two weeks. I was a paid subscriber and had downloaded 12GB of Programs but not able to download any more. I have found other websites to counter that but such is life with computers and the Internet.
Take care
Posted 16 years ago # -
I'm sorry I misunderstood but read through it again and I can still see why I jumped to the wrong conclusion. Even if my original thought were true, I probably overreacted. Maybe I am need to toughen up a bit and get used to the bantoring that is part of how forums operate.
By the way robm, graboid was down temporarily but is back up now and working fine. They did have some technical issues. If you decide to try them again and can't get in, try going to their support forum through the website and see if there are some posts about what might be happening. Usually the forum is working even when the service is down.
Posted 16 years ago # -
heidihopes, glad to see you back! Now, stick around! We're not that bad. :)
Take a peek at some of the other topics, too. You may find more of interest to you. You just never know what gems are out there. I've found loads of great stuff from these forums. For instance, try using the keyword Free in the search box at the top on the page, and see what comes up. You'll discover a vast array of topics.
Posted 16 years ago # -
I hope I'm not off topic,but if anyone is interested,
is Tom green's house 24/7, and also he has a evening talk show,he does
its all live, its sort of fun watching him edit videos during the day.
and the wierd stuff he doesPosted 16 years ago # -
thanks, dude. i've always liked tom green and this is just the sort of thing that he does well.
heidi- glad to see you back. yes, being part of a forum, requires a little bit of a tough skin, or a wet back, to let things roll off. as has been stated before (most eloquently by runesagemagik) it's hard to read people when it's just words on a screen. language involves body and facial expressions and vocal nuances to really understand it. just trust that we are all (mostly) really nice people and don't jump on anyone without a good reason...... and even then, rarely.
:DPosted 16 years ago # -
Despite the admonition of a trusty sidekick who pointed out that this seed abuses the word "Free" while charging a shipping/handling fee, Johnny Appleseed reasons that there must be some classic movie aficionados out there in GOATDland who'll like this source for some rare Movie Classics. The site bills itself as offering movies that "are out of print and not readily available for sale in original packaging except as collectibles."
Rant of the day- Sadly, the "free" movie business model seems to get shot down faster than trial balloons at a political party platform committee meeting. is now slipping commercials into their free service. While not as interminably long (at least not yet) as the incessant commercial interruptions television broadcasters inflict on the viewing public, HULU isn't injecting ads into pre-planned pauses. It's done randomly, so expect some really disturbing action breaks - a homerun batter's mid-swing, right as the victim steps into the elevator shaft, or in the middle of a comedian's punchline. Slacker, my personal favorite "free" radio channel, has also begun injecting commercials. Done between soothing songs, it's as obnoxious as standard radio's habit of blaring ads cranked up to highest gain. It's enough to drive me back to CDs and LPs... and Netflix.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Are you sick of paying your cable bill every month, knowing that there's plenty of high quality TV online, if only you could find it? You've just found the motherlode.
Cable TV offers entertaining original programming, but so do these sites. Check them out to find video entertainment from up-and-comers and big producers alike.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Posted 16 years ago #
Maizey, an awesome list and a massive thanks. :)
Posted 16 years ago # -
NFB's online Screening Room. Here you can enjoy our new releases, old favourites and playlists - all free for home viewing
Posted 16 years ago # - both free and not free. I love the not free. you buy points. 10 dollar for 80 points, 2 points per episode. free tv shows, movies, documentaries, anime etcetera. free tv shows, movies, etcetera. free movies, tv series, and way more.
I use these regularly. only on primetime are they slow sometimes. apart from viptv.
Posted 16 years ago # -
can someone post some free german language tv or movies? I googled, but resources are limited or I'm simply not looking in the right place. I checked out most of the sites posted, but my goodness, each site was like a little scavenger hunt just to find
I had most success with the Jamen site, but could really use some help. German with english subtitles would be excellent! I am learning the german language, and most of my assignments require watching german tv and
Posted 16 years ago # -
Hi, falands, as I am learning English and Swedish I only look at such channels and don't know any German internet-tv-channels other than Google shows up.
I know that the German TV stations are streaming some films of their normal programs.
However, you will hardly find German films with English subtitles. Even English with German subtitles are very rare as all films and series are dubbed.
These 2 stations are especially for foreigners: Radio and TV: What's On?,
here you can Learn German especially Soccer Lingo and here is a Germanizer-test and club I got 20 points :(
Have fun!
graylox from BerlinPosted 16 years ago # -
thanks for the links and suggestions graylox!
Posted 16 years ago # -
you are welcome, falands :)
Posted 16 years ago # -
Posted 15 years ago #
Here is another one I found, with a good assortment of TV and movies, watching something called 'The Children" right now.....
By the way, why is this thread in the 'games' section? Unless I accidentally started it there?Posted 15 years ago # -
"graylox from Berlin"
Graylox, I just noticed that, and wanted to mention my older son will coming there sometime in May, of this year. He is in the Army, and is being sent there for 2 years. I don't know which city; he told me over the phone, but I didn't understand what he said. He will be coming home on leave in a couple of weeks; I will ask him then.
Posted 15 years ago #
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