Can anyone share a source for a free and virus free Pinball app for Win 7?
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
you could have a look here they are safe and free
MajorGeeks,Com » Files » Categories » PC Games (HOT!) » Pinball
Posted 10 years ago # -
There are two pinball series on Steam:
Personally I prefer Pinball Arcade, but Pinball FX tables are beautiful looking tables with some excellent cut scenes and probably hidden content to unlock.
You get one table on each series totally for free. Both are brilliant pinball games. The Pinball Arcade is a series of tables that are released as season packs. The first two when on sale are fantastic value for money because both include over 20 tables, all of which have been created using the plans from original pinball tables. Pinball FX tables are totally original; again its worth getting them whenever there's a sale on.
One of the Indie bundles included several pinball FX tables at a cost of around $1. unfortunately that deal ended a while ago. Still both free versions of the game are worth getting just for the free tables:
.Pinball Arcade Images: You can see video of game play for Pinball FX HERE in this 54 minute video reviewing 38 of the 49 tables that are available at the moment. Two more are due for release soon.
For Pinball Arcade there's a flyover video of the first two seasons HERE which contain 41 tables. Graphically the Pinball FX tables look more impressive, but I've found that the Pinball Arcade tables play more like the tables I used to play in the real Pinball Arcades.
What I like about Pinball FX is the leaderboards. These list everyone in your friends lists that plays the game, with three different leader boards, one for each table, one for overall leader with respect to points scored in total over all of the tables owned plus a final one called Pinball Wizard.
.Pinball FX images: .
.Pinball Arcade Images: Posted 10 years ago #
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