Hola, hello, Ciao, commnet ca va, Kaitxo from sunny Phoenix,
Graylox, you crack me up. The way people write such funny posts in such short messages escapes me. Is there a class that I can take to learn it?
As for knives and swords and such I am the proud owner of an Ax. It is a beautiful Ax, not too big, not too small, not too heavy, not too light, not too old, not too ... OK, I'll stop the not too descriptive description here, but you get the gist of it.
I am game for a duel. I guess I can make a plastic Ax if needed cause I'm crafty you know?
PS: Mangoette, je suis né à la frontière de l'Espagne avec la France au Pays Basque. Je parle Espagnol et parlait français assez bien. En 1986 je venu vivre aux USA, le pays où mon père m'a enregistrée en naissant parce que il est un citoyen de l'Amerique.
So I can speak Spanish, English and, if I dig enough in my skull, French.
I know no German, but I have a sister (technically speaking she is my cousin but we all grew up together) that lives in Germany (Does that count?).
I can read (slowly) most Italo-Western languages like Italian, Catalan, Gallician and Portuguese, but English is the only Anglo Saxon language I can read, write or speak.
I wish I could speak Euskera but it was forbidden during Franco's dictatorship. If you, or your children, were caught speaking it you would be punished with a beating in front of your family or a bullet in the head if you were a repeat offender.
My Spanish side Grandma was fluent, but out of fear she never taught it to my Mom, so I never learned it as a kid. When Franco finally died, the language was allowed again but it was too late for me to learn as my major preoccupation at the time was girls and something else I can't quite remember.