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System Safety software
(20 posts) (12 voices)-
Posted 18 years ago #
Is this program compatible with all Norton programs, i.e., NAV, NIS, etc. or any other like [security] programs? Thanks ...
Posted 18 years ago # -
The program looks good, but I had to install it in trial mode because they key that was generated by activate.exe would not work.
Posted 18 years ago # -
would prefer instead an answer on the partner program
Posted 18 years ago # -
I too, couldn't get the activae code to work.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Nobody is going to like you if you keep spamming the forums, TechTalk.
Posted 18 years ago # -
I too couldn't get the 4 line registration key to work either.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Here is what the failed registration looks like:
Posted 18 years ago # -
I don't know what to say, but it worked for me. It is about 19 lines worth of code for the registration key. You have to scroll while highlighting in the activation program. I have also saved the key in notepad for future reference; only if I can reuse the key in the future due to a odd reason.
And as for playing nice with Norton programs; I would think it would be very bad experience since Norton products are buggy to begin with and put a big load on the system already. I have removed Norton products from every system I have worked on because in some way has caused problems. I have an exception for there virus removal, Ghost and PartitionMagic programs.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Oh! The key is more than 4 lines? Duh! Now it activates just fine. Thanks TheComputerGuy.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Worked Fine For me
Posted 18 years ago # -
I intially got an invalid key code. The trap is that the code is very long and you need to scroll well down to copy it all after clicking "Activation"
Posted 18 years ago # -
I use Norton and I am not going to stop using, please don't tell me to stop using it, so if that is the case, Will SSM interfere with Norton in a bad way? Will I be able to do something I could't do with Norton without having to take Noeton out? I really will like to know before the end of the Day on this Giveaway.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Funny cause the program will work if you uninstall and reinstall on a later date. It will still say it's registered and gives you an option to remove keys on uninstall.
Posted 18 years ago # -
I have downloaded, installed and registered System Safety Monitor when available.
Because of a problem at starting ( SSM crashes each time it starts ), I've restored my computer to an older day.
But now, SSM tells me that my licence is expired. Activate.exe won't work.What can I do ?
Thank you for your answer.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Yes gtaillandier... because you restored to an earlier time before activation, you dumped the activation. I would restore back to recent and disable startup of System Safety Monitor through MSCONFIG (or whatever you like to use). Use safe mode if you have too (F8 during Windows boot). You can also disable System Safety Monitor startup through the program itself, if you can get it running. Hope this helps.
Posted 18 years ago # -
I've canceled my restore action. But now SSM crashes at startup. I have removed it but what can I do to install the version I got by giveawayoftheday ?
Is it possible ? Not sure.
Posted 18 years ago # -
More precision.
I've uninstalled version, reboot, installed version, reboot.
But SSM crashes at each startup. I've removed this version and installed
I've restored my computer to 01/25 and SSM now works fine but it tells me that my licence is expired.
What can I do ?Please help me .
Posted 18 years ago # -
Well this is a band-aid, but rename the SSM folder to something else. Restore your computer back and you should be okay. Since Windows can't find SSM to load it. Once you get this far, let me know.
Posted 18 years ago # -
I just want to know how I can find the registration code that was given by running activate.exe when I've downloaded SSM package on 01/23 and installed it some minutes later.
If not possible, I will remove SSM.
Posted 18 years ago #
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