In the Crystal Player posts; people were talking about codecs & how you need the right ones. -I would like to know more about this. Where can I read more? Some of the questions I have are: [1] does every player have/need different codecs? [2]how do I find out which ones I have & which ones I need? [3]someone mentioned ''KLite pack''; if I find out that I dont already have this , can I install it once and it will take care of all my players?-[I'm having trouble w/ the new 'WMP 11']. [4]are they free? [5] how do I install?
I Know its alot but any answers will be greatly appreciated.
(16 posts) (9 voices)-
Posted 18 years ago #
1) Yes the way I understand it, almost all players can use standard available codecs, like KLite.
2) If you have a media file that won't play, you need a codec for it. Otherwise you don't need one for any media file you don't plan on playing.
3) Yes and KLite can be found at:
And yes, they will work with virtually any player. It is weird having say Windows Media Player open and play RealPlayer formats. <grin>
4) Some codec are free. Some are shareware, and some are commercial.
5) Codec installs in different ways. Usually players like RealPlayer and WMP checks their site for a Media file you want to play which you currently don't have. Or it will use one you manually downloaded like KLite. And KLite installs like a program.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Sorry, I ment to post this sooner:
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions.
I feel much more informed now to take further actions. --Except one more question: "How do I find out/look-up on my PC to see which Codecs I have?-[I have a few apps. that play media.]
Posted 17 years ago # -
One utility which is may be of assistance is GSpot
By selecting a media file - it will tell you which codecs you need to play it, and whether they are installed or not.
GSpot can also display which codecs and media types are currently supported on your PC (which I think is what you were asking).
Generally GSpot is the one-stop-shop for media and codec related troubleshooting.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks BuBBy! I didn't know about that one. :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
WOW!!!! That is EXACTLY what I need !!
Thank You SO MUCH!! YOU ROCK!Posted 17 years ago # -
In terms of codecs, I have found that the "KLite Mega Codec pack" has never let me down, although in terms of players I would suggest VLC .
It will never ask for a codec, is free, lightweight, and plays almost any file you could ask, with the exception of Real Media and Quicktime.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Yes K-Lite Mega is a very good codec pack. However, tokyowars - The Mega pack includes the Real Media and Quicktime alternate codecs, plugins and etc etc.
The Smaller K-Lite Mega Packs (Basic, Standard and Full) don't include RM and QT support, but they are available for download separately if you want.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I prefer to use Ace Mega Codec pack myself.
I use the pro edition and make sure I uncheck real and apple codecs when installing.
Works fine, probably the best you will find.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks for the suggestion , I'll look into that too.
How do you 'UNCHECK the CODECS'?Posted 17 years ago # -
By removing the 'tick' from each box in the list.
They are usually checked (tick in box) click on box to remove tick (uncheck tick in box).
Posted 17 years ago # -
where can i download windows media codecs v 11
Posted 17 years ago # -
Free Codecs [dot] com (dwnld page with dwnld link) is an alternate dwnld for Windows Media Format 11 Runtime. This one was quick for me at about 300kbs. When I tried the link BuBBy posted I couldn't get faster than 12-18kbs in the U.S..
@ Lee: Thanks for the site link. The Ace Mega Codec Pk has far more to offer than the K-Lite pk.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I use the Combined Community Codec Pack, which also includes some lesser-known codecs that other packs don't. Also, try to avoid installing many codec packs, because they'll often conflict (esp. the K-Lite one).
Posted 17 years ago # -
I can second the recommendation for the Video Lan Player--VLC--which plays just about anything. I use it to check ISO files before I burn them to DVD. It's one of my favourite freeware programs.
And Keilaron is right to warn about installing too many packs. Some of them may contain out-of-date or hacked codecs that can interfere with the performance of video converter programs, for instance.
Posted 17 years ago #
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