Hallo and hapy new Year
I want to give again the PowerArchiver,because this days i wasnt in my house and i lose it
Thanks for everything
I want to give again the PowerArchiver
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
Hi Elanois, unfortunately we can't get repeats on demand, but hopefully it will be given away again sometime in the not too distant future.
You could always try contacting the developer and explain that you were not at home over the giveaway period and missed it. Also you'd need to metion that you really wanted to try the program for an extended period like the giveaways basically offer, so that you could make a decision as to wqhether or not you'd buy it.
Or say that at this time you can't afford to buy the program, and was really sad that you missed the oppertunity to get the giveaway; is there any plans in the future to give the program away again on the giveaway sit4.
These are only suggestions and probably won't see you getting a free key, but some developers are really good at hgelping. I've received a couple of free keys over the years when i've approached developers; explaining that due to being unable to work becasue of an accident I can't afford too many applications. I've only written to about three different developers asking for help and two of them have given me free keys.
Posted 10 years ago #
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