I came across this the other night and, though I suspected it was an expired offer, decided to give it a try. Worked like a charm. Got me a fully functioning "older" version of ENote. Excellent!
When you agree to the terms, three boxes appear, one atop the other, with the tutorial on top. Drag that out of the way and you'll see a box verifying that this indeed is a " fully functioning" copy of the application. Click OK and you're all set.
*I did immediately disable the updater, and won't update, as I fear this might trigger some limitation
and also, I unchecked the "check for update now" feature on the installer. My version seems perfect. What a great program!
Better hurry . . . link might be gone real fast.
Free EverNote
(14 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
Thanks for the info. But, unless I'm mistaken, anyone can own a free copy of EverNote, just by downloading it from their website. The latest version is and is fully functional for 60 days, and after that, it still functions just fine, with the exception that you cannot access a couple of the advanced features, as listed below...
EverNote 2.2 is a free download with all features enabled. After 60 days, users wishing to access advanced features such as image and text recognition must purchase the product by clicking on the "Purchase EverNote" menu item.
I contacted the authors, and they confirmed this fact.
But anyways, thanks much for thinking of us!!
Posted 17 years ago # -
well then I guess the moderators may as well dump my entry. It's such a great app that I don't need the extra features to really help me organize whatever.
So . . . ?Posted 17 years ago # -
I agree with you, in that it's a fantastic app! I use it countless times a day, and would be hard-pressed to function without it.
I think you should leave your thread here, as is. If nothing else, it will peak the interest of new forum members who are not aware of this great program, and maybe provide them with something they have been looking for.
You never know.... :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
I'll leave that up to the site . . . I've looked through all the documentation that came with this download and can't find any 60-day limitations. I did try and use shape recognition when I first installed, and got a pop-up stating that feature was only available in EN Pro . . . I'm not too keen on writing/drawing w/my mouse anyway!
Nor is there any mention of limitations on the page I dl'ed from, so I'm a little confused.
Either way, it's a great deal.Posted 17 years ago # -
The real EverNote is almost 58 MB. The real portable version is about 15 MB. The version that you found is 13.8 MB. I would expect the version that you are so excited about is missing more than a few important parts. I just wanted to make sure that you don't have a nice day - I haven't, why should you?
Actually, the EverNote folks are quite nice. They are also "slick" - think in terms as in carnival booth "slick". Nice people and they have a good product. But, I think that they take a perverse laugh and troll for suckers.
If you catch one of their "slight of hand" moves they will very quickly make good (and some times go even farther) on what you say they owe you. They love playing the game. The way to win is watch very closely. I have been congratulated and thanked handsomely on three occasions. If you play more than once, use a different name. They frown on a second time from the same person. Right! I have played four times. Don't tell them I sent you.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I rained on your parade - so I will try to make it up to you.
Several weeks ago I downloaded an offering on GOTD called, "Maple". I have the full EverNote programs as well as Maple. Maple does the samethings as "EverNote Portable". It falls between the two EverNote versions. Maple keeps notes the same way as does EverNote. It is very good. I bet it will be back.
Maple http://www.crystaloffice.com/
Maple is a useful document organizer that enables you to create your own hierarchical trees for storing information such as documents, notes, and images. You can create unlimited nodes and assign any document to each node. Furthermore, its powerful export and import features help make building your trees fast and easy. more... http://www.crystaloffice.com/Posted 17 years ago # -
I know this might be a dumb question but I'll ask anyhow .. what does Evernote do that you can't just do using notepad??
Posted 17 years ago # -
copmom . . . IMHO there is no comparison. Have a look here: http://www.evernote.com/products/evernote/how_to/demo/basics.html then see how many of the same functions you can do w/notepad, etc.
Bigun . . . U didn't rain on my parade (I'm always bummed) Using dial-up, I wouldn't sacrifice X amount of hours dl'ing 56mb of almost anything anyway and am quite happy with what the 13.8mb file now affords me in convenience.
I did grab the portable EN from GAOTD some weeks ago. I can't remember why I passed on Maple? I may have to reconsider, should Maple be offered again.
Your spiel re: Enote's corporate slickness went right over my head.
<(*o*)>Posted 17 years ago # -
It was nice of you to post the information, even if you keep most of the functionality of the latest version once the trial has passed. I'll have to check over the differences to see if it's worth having the full 2.1 version as opposed to the demo 2.2 version as it is certainly a great application. I don't think I need the image recognition anyway.
I do think I have the original giveaway still on one of my computers, though I can't remember which version that is now. :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
You can check the differences between the free version (v2.1) and the latest version (v2.2) by following the link below:
Posted 17 years ago # -
If you get a chance to get the Image Search Function, you should get it! It works very, very, very well. I don't have anything else like it. It is also not always included with purchased EverNote editions - you may have to ask for it. I had to do this twice. Are you starting to see what the "slick" description is pointing to?
I have purchased more than one license and more than one EverNote version. If I leave a copy on a computer that I am temporarily using and remove it a day or two later - I have done nothing wrong.
Labels used in graphics make finding the exact graphic that I am looking for much easier. Especially if graphics have been automatically named with sequential numbers.
"EverNote" backups get large quickly. Most (but, it does not seem to be all- of the backups are "Full backups". Some have either been "differential" (guessed by the file size) or "incremental" backups. You can delete all but the last full backup. Again, you can tell by the size of the file.
The "Maple" format makes quick visual searches easy most of the time. Similar to looking at a "outline". I do much of my technical writing with a "cut and paste" technique using my collection of notes in "Maple" and "Word" in its "outline" mode. I go back and forth. If EverNote did not have the type of search engine(s)that it does finding a single note would be harder. The search mode I use most of the time with EverNote is the search by category. I use both programs - but for slightly different purposes I prefer one program's format over the other. I often keep both programs open.
I use the portable version of EverNote to collect material from the libraries I use. When writing, I keep the portable EverNote open and transfer my notes from the portable directly to what I am writing. You can't sync EverNote Portable and EverNote Full Desktop (not its real name.
I hope this helps clarify my earlier comments. It is difficult for me to type so I usually leave short notes and trust people to be able to read my mind and read between the lines that I have written. I may assume too much. I assume people will recognize my dry humor - may be not appreciate it but at least recognize it. It has not happened yet. Of course if a comment is edited, there is little chance.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Just thought I'd add to this post so it'd move back up the forums list and give folks leery of this app or it's sizable full dl an opportunity to try it out. I may be naive, but this "cut down" version certainly seems to provide plenty of use for the average home PC user.
Note: the link Wabbit provided for comparison doesn't seem to be working today.
Also, I have now "risked" updating this version . . . it simply only offers a full version (60daytrial or $50)
<(^v^)>Posted 16 years ago # -
Shoulda sowed this one the other day, but the danged dibble poked a hole in my seed sack and I only just realized the EVERNOTE Press Release seed done did already germinate back on the path and caused a 9-cycle pile-up. Serves those mountain bikers right for speeding!
"Evernote Launches Public Beta of Popular Cloud and Desktop 'Memory-Capturing' Service; Offers Free and Premium Subscriptions"
Posted 16 years ago #
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