Still not able to activate.i think the company deliberately do not want to activate the software & all the server overload excuses are a sham
FLV Video Downloader
(47 posts) (26 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
why would they go through the trouble of offering their program on this site if they didn't want to activate it? so everyone could hate them and spread the word?
that just doesn't make sense to me, maybe i just want to think the best of "people".
Posted 17 years ago # -
What a bunch of BS this software is. If they can't fix the activation in two days, imagine how this will work long term. I've wasted enough time with it.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Seems to me the people running THIS site would be on this.
I was up trying off and on till 4AM last night.
The host has either turned off the authentication or his
server is down.
I have about had it with this "service".I also tried to use the "plan B" auth.
for those with no internet.
Funny it gives the same error!Come on admins! Get this thing working!
And stop trying to tell us it's our problem
I am on the highest speed Charter cable offers and have no firewall or AV blocking the authentication.It is them NOT US!!!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Here is the message from Diplodock:
"Dear Users,
The server should now be more responsive. We have also moved up activation deadline by 6 hours. So you have until 14:00 GMT February 1 2008."
Posted 17 years ago # -
It is now 9:39 p.m. in Pa. and it finally worked for me.
Posted 17 years ago # -
finally. At first it said the server was busy but then it did it.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I had to try about five times because it said the server was busy but it finally activated it. YAH! Finally! Hope it was worth all the trouble
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hi everybody
True, we couldn't activate yesterday.
But we just activated it in 4 PCs/Laptops, without *any* trouble at all.
So, as the company said, a bit of patience, bc the servers were overwhelmed by the demand.Don't know if anybody read/heard about the big mess all over the 'net, bc of the cable that was cut. Traffic has been re-routed since yesterday. So this could also have affected the activation process.
So lets *not* put everything on the company's head. And I'm certain there is NO conspiracy from them or GOTD, as they have extended the activation period twice to accommodate all of us.
On the other hand... maybe the undersea cable was cut, just to inconvenience us all?!?!
Peace, M.Posted 17 years ago # -
that's what I'd like to know- did I pass up something great, or just the hassle?
What's the toughest site to grab from?
Posted 17 years ago # -
Well, it finally worked after 2 tries. Nice program, just keep it in the tray and it grabs the videos for you.
Posted 17 years ago # -
finally got it activated.will use it & see how useful it is.but i do suggest that in future any offerings which requires activation should be handled by GATD as their servers are faster.alternatively the company offering should be warned that there will be increased load on their servers due to high popularity of software offered on GATD
Posted 17 years ago # -
Finally activated after 47 hours 50 min,now for todays giveaway !
Posted 17 years ago # -
Can someone please post or send me the serial number? I already installed the software yesterday but the serial number got erased after I closed winzip. Thanks in advance.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Argh! Now the online activation responds but it claims GAOTD offer is over.
When will the rerun be? There was no activation possible in the giveaway time.Posted 17 years ago # -
Yea same here. The activation finally works but now I can't activate it because the "offer is over". I think the activation period should be extended so that it will have been working for at least 24 hours.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Asking the software company seems to work every time.
I send them the SN and offline activation code and they sent me back the offline registration code. :-)Third time asking a company - third time it works.
Posted 17 years ago #
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