Off topic, but had to share!
Just got this off Hannah's website so thought I'd better update y'all! For those that didn't bookmark her site, here it is again:
Thanks to all of you for your prayers and for signing her guest book!!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to all!!
January 29th
Hannah was released from the hospital at about 1 PM, yesterday. We immediately drove to the Endocrinologist’s office. She prescribed four separate medications as well as ordering blood work for today. The rest of the evening was spend going to Hannah’s college class to gather her homework, and then to two pharmacies to find the medications prescribed. Today Hannah had a blood test. The ENT phoned with the pathology report. No cancer was located in the Thyroid half removed on Friday. The best news is no parathyroid glands were located in the removed tissue. This gives us every hope that Hannah’s calcium levels will be maintained by her own body at some future date.