All Freeware - All, I think, much better than Password Generator 2008. Each of the following are complete, and aimed at different user requirements. Especially noted are the password managers with dictionary support which experience has show produce passwords that are easier to remember, and therefore don't need to be written down and left near the computer.
ViPNet Password Roulette
To help persons, who are in charge of the password management, INFOTECS released an absolutely free of charge software password generator, which generates random passwords so that they can be memorized easily. The innovation of this software is simple and genius. The passwords are derived from word phrases easy to remember. Often these phrases have a humorous touch facilitating the process of memorizing. The password list can be generated in 3 languages: English, German and Russia. Additionally ViPNet Password Roulette can generate random digital passwords.
PassX is a simple tool that will allow you to generate completely secure passwords for Windows. You can either create passwords randomly (being any size, include special characters, force stop certain characters, etc), build a password from a string (a sentence, or names, or anything you want) or build a password generated from a list of words that you have specified (which can be customised for how they are used). All settings created can be saved and re-used later to create more passwords and the passwords generated can be saved to a TXT file. You can create any number of passwords you wish and they can be used on other operating systems other than Windows (Linux, MAC-OS, etc).
Password Generator
* Generating passwords 1-32 symbols in length.
* Ability to exclude dubious symbols (!, 1, I, l, O, 0, o, ^, comma, dot).
* Including special symbols (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), comma, dot, =, +, <, >) into the password.
* Composing password using only symbols you listed in the 'other symbols' field.
* Conditioning the password pronouncing by adding vowels using special algorithm.
* Ability to test passwords.
* Ability to save to the text file or to copy to the clipboard one password or a password list.
* Easy to use.
* Small size.
* Fast and easy.
* Generates unique and random passwords.
* Export passwords to a file.
* Include numbers, alphabets and words from a special dictionary in your passwords
* Free 24/7 customer support for all users.
Quicky Password Generator
# Select the length of your passwords from 4 to 20. Make them all the same length or make them randomly variable lengths.
# Generate mixed-case or uppercase alphanumeric passwords. Choose to use special characters too.
# Generates 1 to 100,000 unique passwords at one time.
# Copy generated passwords to clipboard or a file.
# This program size is less than 800K.
Infinite Password Generator
Infinite Password Generator will make any number of different passwords for your use at websites and applications. Using only a Master Password which you need to remember and a keyword of your choice, you can use different passwords for every websites without remembering them all.
Password Scrambler is a browser add-on that allows you to automatically generate secure, hard-to-guess passwords for every site you visit, based on a master password of your choice. It achieves this by uniquely "scrambling" your password for every site you visit.
Password Scrambler helps you address problems related to using the same password in multiple sites, a practice that results in security vulnerabilities.
(Supports Internet Explorer and Firefox)