Hello, funkymom! Wow, you're getting quite an education lately, aren't you? :-)
If my opinion means anything at all to you, then there's really only two ways to go. As you've already heard in this thread, there are many programs that will do what you want, and there are many opinions as to which is the best to use. It's kinna like cake... some people like white, some chocolate, some spice, and on and on.... But, in the end, it's all cake, and you just want something that tastes good, yes? :-)
So, you want to hear what kind of cake I like? Well, if it's free cake you're talking about, you can't go wrong with 7-zip. It's moist, light, and leaves you feeling satisfied when it's all said and done.
Now, if you're going to the Bakery Shop and paying for a cake, then WinRar is the one to get. Rich, creamy, and full of eye-candy. But, you know how bakers are, expensive.
Well, there you have it! But, we'd best stop talking about cake, or someone we both know will want one sent to her, with a file inside. Must have an iron deficiency! :-)