graylox, that's scan as in "diverting eyeballs from television". Using any sort of explorer/file manager utility would require me knowing/remembering EXACTLY what key words I used... and my brain's pretty fried. For example, I have a wax seal TUT that came in handy when I was experimenting with creating paint drops, but if a utility had scanned for paint or drops, it wouldn't have shown up. Since there's only maybe 50 files in any subfolder, it's easy enough to open that folder and do a visual scan. Of course, with GIMP, FwF alone bloated that folder up by 40 plug-in files. :-)
I tacked up a wanted poster for a freeware broken link checker some time back. As I recall, Bubby offered a suggestion, but his software only scans and checks links stored in a couple specific folders (e.g. FAVS) on the C: drive, which I don't use. I need something that'll scan all my partitions for the 25,000 URLs I've saved over 10+ years. Very daunting task, that.