Hi all
Judging by the time that has elapsed between posts I'll assume I wasn't the only one who couldn't get to the site, Kept getting a (504 gateway error),or something like that. Since both of my computers are(made by gateway), I thought it had something to do with my system,DuHHHH!!!!
Finally Googled it and found it wasn't me .Never said I was the brightest bulb in the box.
GAOTD is back in business!!!!!!
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
No need to apologise - I saw the gateway error and I thought it was your fault also.
Boy, were you unpopular around here for a few hours. Glad to see you fixed it.
Thanks :P
Posted 17 years ago # -
Posted 17 years ago # -
It was absolutely impossible to log on, from mid PM till ~2am(-5GMT).
So that was a loooong time!! Tried from several PCs & Laptops(none of them Gateway), nothing worked! So it wasn't Gateway specific.
Usually I can sneak in via the French, German or Portuguese sites(that I have bookmarked in advance, exactly for these emergencies...). This smarty pants workaround has always worked b4 ;-)
Well, not this time!What happened? Oh boy, were we invaded by unsavoury characters???(of the Human or Bot variety)
For awhile there I thought I had been banned by Bubby :-( **sniff**
(...Even though I had paid the ransom already...)@SG:
What do u mean by "I Googled it"?
I don't know this trick. I attempted to log in through GG too, to no avail, and didn't see any "Error explanation" 'bout GOTD on my (many) searches. Plizz splain.
Merci, Manu :-)Posted 17 years ago # -
google "504 error" or "gateway timeout" and the html reference to it'll be someplace in the list. had me right worried, almost didn't get mini golf activated. so I already have both today's done- like in the first 15 minutes. :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hi LeKanaw
(What do u mean by "I Googled it"?)
You know..You enter in the phrase "504 Gateway error" into the search box and it gives a selection of sites that will explain what the error message means.
I think you misunderstood it to mean another way to access the site.
You may want to lay off the Mango Juice for awhile!!!(Usually I can sneak in via the French, German or Portuguese sites)
Phhh!! I knew that...Just couldn’t find my Passport!!! AhhhHahhHahhHahh!!!
Posted 17 years ago #
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