So it appears that you have indeed been moderating my comments, usually posted as JonathansToolBarAndGrill. May I ask why? I post a comment only when I feel I have some useful information to share, that other GOTD users might find valuable. I am not one of those who post pointless comments like "This looks good, I think I'll try it" or "Thanks anyway, but I don't need this today". So why don't my helpful messages appear? I really would appreciate an answer. Thank you in advance.
Moderating my comments?
(25 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
Why do you feel the need to use more than one i'd?
What is the thread that you feel has been moderated?
Posted 17 years ago # -
jplutchok, is it possibile you're mistaking the standard delay (I think) all posters suffer with on the game of the day page as personal censoring? I've seen it take as long as 3 to 5 hours for my post to show up. This is, after all, a volunteer operation and when there's a delay, I just assume Bubby is out getting his boils lanced.
Another possibility... could one or more of your posts have simply been lost along the way? (fyi - at least 2 of my critiques in different game of the day comments sections have been eaten by goblins in the past month or so, and I've no reason to suspect anyone is targeting me just for pointing out an appl's shortcomings)
fwiw, I stumbled across your site in mid-'06, long before I noticed you posting here (and witnessed someone slamming you for "self-promotion" when you offered your POV) I thought that poster to be making an odd criticism since several other regulars have their own review/tech support sites and aren't smeared. I thought your site offered good judgement and content, and doubt anyone here is personally gunning for you.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Lee, fwiw, sometimes I don't bother to log on just to post a quick comment on various forums so don't judge the bar&grill guy too harshly. Also, I sometimes just feel like being anonymoose, and sometimes I feel ornery and take both sides of an issue to play devil's advocate and drive both sides nuts. (but I wouldn't do that here - cough cough)
Posted 17 years ago # -
jplutchok it seems you tripped the spam bot - and then each successive post landed in the same trough alongside the posts for porn, viagra, surgical extensions, cheap dental plans and pharmaceutical supplies.
Probably you posted too many references to your blog site in the one post (just the one reference when you supply your email address is sufficient etc, otherwise it sounds like you are just a hawker with only one topic on your script) and the spam bot recognized a bit too much repetition.
From then, each repost (every few minutes) only reinforced the bots belief (it learns who to bin, you see) that not only were you a spammer plugging a site over and over again - but you were a persistent spammer coming back every few minutes to take another shot.
It was only by accident that I saw your post snuggled between a Nigerian who wants help to get his lottery winnings out of the country, and an honest chap who can give you a great deal on long distance mobile phone calls. Normally we delete the lot - because they arrive by the truckload. So you weren't singled out by me - the spam bot - well I think he has his eye on you. :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Bubby, I wish you wouldn't remove those Nigerian posts! They're good for a belly laugh anytime. Maybe better even than british humor. :-) And talk about ego stroking. Nobody else ever tells me that they're willing to split 15 billion dollars their uncle stored in a mayonnaise jar before he was executed for stepping on a sidewalk crack simply because I alone out of 6 billion people was brought to their attention as an honest and ethical person. Why, just today I was planning to hop over to the Côte d'Ivoire (at my own expense) to meet a horny 24year old african princess who had her French lawyer contact me via his day old yahoo email account. :-) A smiling cabbie driven by a guy named Nugumovosmobo is supposed to take me to her tent inside a refuge camp. I'm gonna be rich!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Stop spreading lies!
I've already told u, it's in Guiné and it's an Arabian Princess, not at all in Côte d'Ivoire!
Get your facts straight b4 u post!!! You'r confusing the population.@Jonathan:
I've had many posts in the GGOD & GOTD disappear too. And everybody 'round here knows how dangerous I am... Always giving expert opinions about tech.I've visit your site several times, and I've referenced to it in at least one of my posts on the GOTD comments section. As RM said, I too remember a poster making a stupid comment about your site. I don't think these type of comments have anything to do w you. Some people are selfish & ungrateful.
Cheer up, Jonathan :-)Peace, Manu
Posted 17 years ago # -
LeKanaw, you've mixed two separate jokes in with a 3rd world country spoof! -
a) NewGuinea pygmies who watch Monty Python
b) MYWOT screening out mail order Arabian Princesseseses
c) Nigerian scamsThat's gonna cost you a time out in the penalty box cause YOU are confusing people! Stop that!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks very much to all of you: Bubby for explaining what happened to my posts, and RunesageMagi and LeKanaw for your sympathy and encouragement. I feel much better now. :-)
Lee, I was posting a comment about today's IncControl utility giveaway, not the game. I already knew there are sometimes strange delays, so I waited a while and refreshed the page a number of times before posting again. It wasn't every few minutes, Bubby, but I did try perhaps 4 or at most 5 times over three hours. And the comment contained only one link. I did, however, also notice an error in my original comment, so shortly after submitting it I tried to post a correction. I can see where that might trigger a spambot.
Bubby, is there some way to get whitelisted so I won't be blocked again when I have something useful to say?
As for the two accounts, Lee, that just happened by accident. I think I established the jplutchok account ages ago, then forgot all about it and later established the JonathansToolBarAndGrill account. I think that's what happened, though I don't remember exactly.
Anyway, thanks very much to you, the GOTD team, for some great deals on good software, and for some amusement along the way. I am, as ever, a devoted fan.
Posted 17 years ago # -
runesagemagi and leekanaw (and anyone else who could use a chuckle).......
i just cant resistPosted 17 years ago # -
LOL Good on funkymom!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Niceone Funkymom and to the guys they know who they are for some excellent material. I just can't resist reading your posts even though i have more games i want to play. :)
Good night o you all.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hey!! Hey!! BuBBy hold on a second,before you close this thread..!
What's this about Surgical Extensions and Viagra Falls,and porn too!!?
Of course, it's not for me it's for a friend of mine.Posted 17 years ago # -
I was doing some research. They must be out of stock, the email bounced. I guess it was a good deal.
Posted 17 years ago # -
@FunkyMom: That's a good one!! Thank you for the giggle ;-D
@RM: ... time out in the penalty box
Can I come out and play now??@Bubby: Some of my posts from the past few days have "disappeared". Any particular reason why?
Peace, ManuPosted 17 years ago # -
@Bubby: Some of my posts from the past few days have "disappeared". Any particular reason why?
Which posts? Forum? Program Comments? Game Comments? Also can you remember what the posts were about, and approximately when you made the posts?
Posted 17 years ago # -
Lekanaw, what are you still doing in the penalty box?? Didn't Fwf send you a cake with a file in it? Even a heinous TOS offender like me can get released faster than a bond hearing for OJ. If the cake doesn't arrive soon, offer the bailiff a can of lo-cal mango juice and a bag of airline peanuts.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Didn't Fwf send you a cake with a file in it?
It must have escaped my attention....
Get it? Escaped my attention? You know, escaped as in gotten out. You know, like, err, well, ahhh, as in, well.....
Oh, never mind...... I'm going back to watch the OJ trial.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Darnnnn and %*£@$
I knew it!! You two ARE in cahoots! Really can't trust u at all!!!
I did say to send the cake AFTER 13h, didn't I??
You sent it earlier to make sure I'd miss it!!
You are just soooo Bad Bad Bad!!
Now, about those chocolates then... ;-) When are they arriving??Well my peeps, going to get the zzzz's now(again).
After spending a lifetime on a 27-28h cycle and last 2y. without ever sleeping(!), now suddenly can't keep my eyes opened more than a few hours at a time. What gives?? :-(
There should be a law: either one is an insomniac or an sleepyhead. Not «both» at the same time!! It's quite confusing!! Geee...So GLAD there's so much Comic Relief 'round here. I'll do my best to keep it up :-)
Peace ManuPosted 17 years ago # -
I had it happen to me yesterday but I know why...he was cleaning up the "Comment Page". But Mr. B it was my first ever post on that page. JK I know why he did it.
Some one asked a question that didn't have anything to do with the Software that was offered and Mr. B answered to direct them to the Forum and I did the same. He deleted the person's post, HIS post and mine never even made it to the page. So just be aware, he is an equal opportunity deleter, as he even deletes his own posts. :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hi Delenn, so nice to bump into u again :-) Hope all is well in ur "Galaxie"!
Huhh, who is "JK". Now I'm even more confused(than usual...)
Peace, M.Posted 17 years ago # -
JK=Just Kidding :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Posted 17 years ago # -
normally I will try to do "Dragnet" moderation - "Just the Facts, maam".
If there is a point to be made - but you need to dig through a lot of "filler" and "padding" - I might take a post or an entire topic down to the bare essentials - so it is more useful for everyone.
Having a chat or a little bit of fun really isn't doing any major harm - but when someone needs to return to a topic to answer a question, or get "up to speed" on what the issue was - having to read through 10 pages of witty banter - to find the paragraph you need to fix a problem, can be frustrating.
So if a question has already been asked and answered - I will do everyone else the favor of not making them read is again. Hopefully past topics can remain useful to people who want to quickly go back and find the tips or links in a minimum of time and effort.
If your own posts end up on the cutting room floor, don't take it too personally - usually I focus more on "What was said" instead of "Who said it" - and as a result my posts are often the first to go. :)
Posted 17 years ago # -
NP, Mr. B. I was just letting LeKanaw know they weren't "The Lone Ranger". It happens to us all.
Posted 17 years ago #
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