I'd have to agree with No1 here. It's clear by his visit here, there should be a small note or maybe a discussion about the missing GiveAway. If nothing else, solely on the fact that it's inevitable there are going to be mentally challenged peeps who are going to get all confused and lost when they come to a site for their free giveaway and find less than what they had hoped. Let's face it, we all know that not everyone who comes to the site is the brightest crayon in the box.
A note, a discussion, at least something. Oh wait a minute, there was a discussion. Hmmmm, well how about a big flashy banner that comes to us via a pop-up as soon as we get to GOTD, so those that are too lazy to check out the site and the forums for some information on what's going on, can instantly know. Make it one of those recurring pop-ups that re-appear after you close it, that way the truly intelectually absent peeps won't forget.
No1, you're going to notice there are peeps ready to pounce on ppl like yourself that need a bit of help finding answers when it seems obvious to some. You'll see more of that in the comment section, than you will here in the forums. Rest assured, There's always help in the forums. So don't take it to heart. GL to YA!