dt's big time, come back quickly gaotd. We need you!
no game today
(39 posts) (27 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
As a devoted daily visitor, I can't imagine why GAOTD didn't bother posting any mention of the games being temporarily unavailable on their main software/homepage? I let it slide yesterday, but today I feel almost duped. Don't get me wrong. I'd visit this great site anyway. Love to read the remarks and I have snapped up a couple of nice apps I wouldn't otherwise have even known of.
It just seems weird that nobody there said diddley squat.
IMO, it'd be like going to Ebay to find no items, nor any mention of why not.
I'm not amused at having to actually search for the reason a trusted site has changed. I'm certainly aware that the StarDock issue has been fixed!Posted 17 years ago # -
YOU kicked gift horse in mouth, needs to recoup. Took me forever to get here just to say that. You should be proud of what they do for us, instead of crying. I know I am
Posted 17 years ago # -
"YOU kicked gift horse in mouth, needs to recoup. Took me forever to get here just to say that. You should be proud of what they do for us, instead of crying. I know I am"
Say what?
Posted 17 years ago # -
But there is an explanation posted in this thread by Bubby. Some game developers didn't get the game to GGOTD in time, but things should get back to normal soon.
Like Lockett I am confused and disturbed by Linda's post. What does pride have to do with all this?
Posted 17 years ago # -
Linda is just saying that the way people go on about Gotd not posting a link on the main page... or not giving a game today is without respect for gotd sometimes. One shouldn't kick a given horse in the mouth, as an example of doing worse than looking a given horse in the mouth. NOT everybody has English as their first language and always everybody falls over HOW they say it, instead of reading the intention of what people are TRYing to say. I understand her getting angry. I often am ashamed when I read the whining and crying and "putting down" down comments... ( see? I don't know the word, so I have to put something else... that is what happens when English is ones second language.... ) Being proud of what Gotd does, has indeed something to do with it all. I am proud of them too. They do a lot of hard work, give us wonderful things, and then people feel the need to put very ugly comments on here. So yes, I am ashamed of those, and linda feels it is a kick in their face. I agree. Please stay polite.
MrFishy said:
"As a devoted daily visitor, I can't imagine why GAOTD didn't bother posting any mention of the games being temporarily unavailable on their main software/homepage? I let it slide yesterday, but today I feel almost duped"
well, I'm sorry. this is just... rude. very rude. you let it slide? how generous of you. didn't bother...? gee... I guess they are a bit busy with trying to secure the games and software for us. What makes YOU mister God for whom everything HAS to be perfect THIS instance???now go apologize!
( sorry, you got me angry too. ) I guess it's not always possible to read into intention or to agree.... even I get angry... and preach. ;-))))
have a nice day all, and thank you to Gotd.
Posted 17 years ago # -
As a devoted daily visitor, I can't imagine why GAOTD didn't bother posting any mention of the games being temporarily unavailable on their main software/homepage? I let it slide yesterday, but today I feel almost duped. Don't get me wrong. I'd visit this great site anyway. Love to read the remarks and I have snapped up a couple of nice apps I wouldn't otherwise have even known of.
It just seems weird that nobody there said diddley squat.
IMO, it'd be like going to Ebay to find no items, nor any mention of why not.
I'm not amused at having to actually search for the reason a trusted site has changed. I'm certainly aware that the StarDock issue has been fixed!I completely agree with you. When there is an issue with any site that one routinely fixes it one's first instinct is to attempt to inform the site owner, as we did via comments in this forum. One's next instinct when ignored is to wonder what the hell is going on. And then when you are told offhandedly "oh nothing, just didn't feel like letting anyone know" then one tends to feel a bit peeved. That's like if walmart closed its doors, turned off its lights and all the employees went home in the middle of a weekday, with no explanation.
Now, what Linda and these other who act like GAOTD is a charity service don't understand is that GAOTD is making money off of this whole thing. It is a business. They are not some non-profit. Bubby is not a volunteer. He, like his fellow sitemanagers, are paid to (you guessed it!) manage the website. The money comes from the advertisements that are put on the site both by the game makers (ads for their other games that are not offered for free) and by third party advertisers. It's essentially a new twist on an ad-supported demo. And yes, maybe they started this company with the desire to do something that would also benefit the consumer. But at the end of the day it is a business, and it relies on people actually visiting the site. if they don't the advertisers find someone else to pay and GGOTD goes the ways of the dinosaurs. It's called e-commerce. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing, and in fact it is a very intelligent business plan. No one can resist "free". And advertisers can't resist high volumes of potential customers. Playing both ends against the middle. An excellent and inovative strategy.
But not a charity. And if you (MrFishy and others disquieted by people like Linda) want someone to blame, then blame Linda too. People running around kissing the feet of some guy out there to make an honest buck is downright silly, and might eventually make said guy making a buck to actually buy into the hype and start to believe that he is the second coming, as so many visiters to this site seem to think. Let's just keep it real people, and leave the drama at home.
I absolutely love the lady who speaks english as a second language, who assumes that Linda does as well just because of her poor communication skills. One - I have known many people who speak english as a second langauge who can communicate in english better than i. As you can see, my spelling is poor. You know why? Because I'm careless. Two - please stop projecting your issues onto other people. For all you know, Linda Sanders (ouch, what a white american name!) could be some white woman in california, who like me is careless. Or she could have some kind of learning disabillity. Who knows? But why make an issue where there is none?
There are plenty of places you can go talk about discrimination against people who speak english as a second language. Go take it to myspace or livejournal and start a community about it. Heck, if you take it to livejournal i'll actually join - i can't tell you how many times i've been discriminated against for speaking spanish as a second language. But no one here was running around saying anything about how Linda didn't speak english as a first language except you.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Bubby is not a volunteer. He, like his fellow sitemanagers, are paid to (you guessed it!) manage the website.
That is 100% incorrect. I am an unpaid volunteer. I do this because I like to help others. (clearly some need more help than others).
After reading this statement about myself doing this for money - I knew the rest was probably absolute rubbish also.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I think the game, The Blob, was working all right for you. It was probably just a black blob in a room with the lights off.
She said in a lighter (darker?) vein.Posted 17 years ago #
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