Hello guys and gals. I could really use a favor. I have 4 small .png files that are really very simple in construction. Just black and white. Black lines, on a white background. What I need is for the black lines to be changed to tan lines. RGB value of 255-165-79 . None of the graphic programs I have seem to be able to do this. In theory, I know how it's done, just do a color swap, but as I said, none of the programs I have seem to be able to do what I want.
So, would one of you care to tackle this for me? I would really appreciate it very much! It's for an important project I'm doing, and I could really use the assistance. If you feel up to the task, you can get the files at:
Thanks very much for any help coming this way!!
P.S. Or, in the spirit of the old saying " Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.", if someone would rather walk me through the process using Photoshop Elements I would be willing to give it another try.. :-)