Uninstalled version 9.0 and installed version 9.5 with no problems at all.
I notice that the desktop icon now says Starburn(Giveawayoftheday)which is reassuring.
What is not so reassuring is that the splash popup which appears when loading the program shows that I have,today, "28 days evaluation left",and it is counting down.
Is this a glitch or is the program going to stop working in 28 days?
Concern over Starburn licence
(4 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
If you installed the version that was given away here, then it is full, no need to enter a licence key atall.
I installed this version when given-away and it still works fully.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks for the reassurance Lee
I downloaded and installed Starburn Shark off the GOATD site two days ago.
As I said all installed OK and no licence key was asked for.
It is just that the program splash popup which appears before the main GUI says its an evaluation copy and that there are only 28 days left.Posted 17 years ago # -
Never saw that myself, maybe it's something you can email the authors of starburn about.
They may no reply, however you maybe a future potential customer and I am sure they might reply.
Posted 17 years ago #
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